Evaluating thermal indoor climate without knowing the conditions is a long and often barrenprocess and documented data is actually not that hard to obtain. A snapshot of the thermalindoor climate in an office building with room for approximately 80 work-places can be takenin only 3 days: 2 days used for measuring and 1 day for reporting. The measuring procedurethat is developed for taking a snapshot is based on ISO 7730. The problem of using the ISO7730 is that it only describes the thermal assessment of one single work-place and we want touse it for evaluation of an entire building section. The paper first describes the organizing ofthe measuring sequence with registration of data for each work-place, then, the methoddeveloped for evaluating the measurements and, finally, the results of a measurementperformed in a building section with 85 work-places are presented.
Thermal indoor climate evaluated on the basis of a snapshot

Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore -. Vol. 1., pp 791-796, 5 Fig, 4 Ref.