Turbulent recirculating flows in many types of ventilated rooms are numerically simulated three-dimensionally by means of k-e 2-equation turbulence model. The results obtained from numerical simulation are compared with those given by model experiments concerned with air velocity and contaminant diffusion. The correspondences between simulations and experiments are fairly good, so that it may be concluded that three-dimensional numerical simulation by means of k-e 2-equation model can predict turbulent recirculating flows in a ventilated room with sufficient accuracy from the view point of engineering application.
Three dimensional numerical simulation of turbulent air flow in ventilated room, by means of 2-equation model.

Bibliographic info:
International symposium on computational fluid dynamics, Sept 9-12, 1985, Kenchiku Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan, 1985, p560-571, 13 figs, 8 refs.