Reports study of wind and rain over fifteen years and gives table of results. Reports measurements of wind pressure and driving rain on buildings. Discusses laboratory measurements of the tightness of facade elements under pressures of up to 50 Pa. and with temperature differences of -40 to +30 deg.C. across the facade. Describes pressurization of buildings and gives results of measurements in test dwellings. Discusses movement of joints in buildings and describes measurement of this movement.< Discusses permeability of both flat and sloping roofs. Reports tests of resistance of roofs to suction from wind pressure and to driving rain.< Section 3 on roofs is in French: the rest of this report is in Dutch.
Tightness of facades and roofs. Etancheite des facades et des toitures.

Bibliographic info:
CSTC Centre Scientifique et Technique de la Construction, Brussels. final report IC-IB June 1977