Holcatova, I.
Bibliographic info:
EnVIE Conference on Indoor Air Quality And Health for EU Policy, Helsinki, Finland, 12-13 June, 2007

Except skin, the respiratory tract is the only human organ directly affected by (indoor)air. Therefore it is understandable, that all pollutants from the air can evoke anytrouble especially in susceptible people. Microbiological contamination of anyenvironment is common and also indoor air or environment is rich in differentmicrobes and it doesnt make too big difference if pathogenic or not as we mustassume, that in common indoor environment will occur many people withimmunodeficiency either due their age (ageing peoples immune system is mostlyweakened), their illnesses (e.g. hereditary malfunction of immune system or acquiredimmune malfunctions) or their treatment ( people after transplantations, withlymphomas or other cancers). These so called immunocompromised people live withus, we are able to safe their lives in hospitals, so we have to guard them in indoorenvironment, not only hospitals but also in their homes, office buildings, schools etc. In second third of the 20th century people believed that infectious diseases are undercontrol. We had got antibiotics that worked very well; vaccination programmes hadfantastic effect on elimination some diseases or at least decreased a number of severecomplications and total number of diseased people, especially in developed countries.One of the major killers of the world of the past centuries smallpox was eveneradicated in the end of 70-ties.Unfortunately beginning of eighties brought a new challenge unknown infectionagent HIV. Other new topic followed: SARS. In last several years we are threatenedwith the potential avian flu mutation into epidemic one.It seems that the Nature is still one step ahead and when we are sure of our victory,somewhere is hidden at least one new future problem. Some of these problems areresults of humans activity, medical efforts or non- responsibility like bacterial strainsresistant to antibiotics or Legionnaire's disease.Regardless of our achievements on the field of infectious diseases, there are stillsubstantial proportions of people dying of various infectious diseases (tab.1). Andsome of these threats are airborne infections transmitted in indoor environment.