During the past 10 years the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has pursued a national strategy to address radon remediation in buildings to meet its goals of radon risk reduction. Initially the approach developed and demonstrated remediation methods and techniques in existing residences with specific attention to the effect of regional climate variations and the differences in housing construction. A number of studies and demonstrations were undertaken to accurately characterize and evaluate the effectiveness of several remediation methods and techniques. This knowledge was then later expanded through research on radon control for newly constructed houses with the subsequent development of model standards and techniques. Additionally, other research was initiated to gain a better understanding of remediation approaches in existing and newly constructed non-residential buildings such as schools, commercial office buildings, and hospitals. This paper provides an historical summary of the evolution of EPA's national strategy for indoor radon remediation, recent developments, and anticipated future directions.
The US Environmental Protection Agency's national strategy for radon remediation.

Bibliographic info:
Indoor Air: An Integrated Approach, edited by L Morawski, N D Bofinger, M Maroni, Elsevier Science Ltd, 1995, pp 325-328