Provides a summary of Report IIIb of the overall research project `air change in buildings' undertaken by the EMPA, Switzerland, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry for Environmental Protection. Describes an investigation into the frequency and duration of window ventilation over an entire heating season by the occupants of 32 flats. Treats the two blocks of flats investigated, the results of questionnaire circulated to the occupants concerning ventilation habits, the measurement and observation methods applied, and the evaluation methods applied to the data obtained. The results are expected to provide detailed information on the connection between weather and window ventilation habits and details on the effect of this behaviour on the energy balance of the building.
The use of window ventilation by occupants of two blocks of flats as a function of the weather. Fenster-luftungsverhalten der bewohner zweier mehrfamilienhauser inabhangingkeit vom aussenklima.

Bibliographic info:
Federal Materials Testing and Research Institute (EMPA) April 1981 EMPA Nr 39 400/b. Summary ABSTRACT #DATE 01:04:1981 in German