Aurélie Lenoir, Shaan Cory, Michael Donn and François Garde
Bibliographic info:
Building Simulation, 2011, Sydney, Australia

This paper proposes to study the role and the user in the operation of the building and its impact on energy performance of buildings.  Some comparisons of the energy consumption and production of the buildings were calculated during the design stage are made against the measured data of the consumption and production of the buildings when they are being utilized. It indicated that the differences between the design calculations and the measurements can be up to 50%. The method used in this study is to restart the process of calculation for the energy balance that was adopted during the design phase and to establish the right hypothesis on the schedules, utilization of appliances, and comfort level of the building that lead to a good evaluation of the energy consumed in the actual buildings operation. This feedback on the tools used by the design offices will allow making improvements in these tools.