A questionnaire on e.g. building characteristics including dampness, and allergic symptomsamong children from 8 918 homes was carried out in the year 2000. 18-24 months later, 6professional inspectors visited 390 of the homes and made inspections and measurements.Questionnaire reports on building characteristics, type of ventilation system, and buildingmaterials were in good agreement with observations from the inspectors (K=0.68-0.87). Individualkappa-values for the inspectors varied in the range of 0.33-0.96. However, regardingvisible signs of dampness there was a remarkable low agreement between questionnaire reportsand observations from the inspectors (K=0.17-0.20). Also regarding perceptions ofmoldy odor there was a fairly low agreement (K=0.21-0.28). This may be due to the time lapbetween the questionnaire study and the inspections. Questionnaire reports include perceptionsfor a longer time while observations from inspectors are from only one visit for a coupleof hours.
Validation of questionnaire data with inspections on dampness indications in 390 Swedish dwellings DBH step 2
Bibliographic info:
Healthy Buildings 2003 - Proceedings 7th International Conference (7th-11th December 2003) - National University of Singapore - Vol. 1., pp 619-624, 5 Tab., 12 Ref.