The stack effect provides the driving force for vertical air movement within buildings. Its effects are especially pronounced in high rise developments, where the air leakage associated with elevators, stairs and service shafts can be a major concern. Stairwells and lift shafts themselves provide occupant access to those floors above or below ground level as well as providing routes for the movement of air. A knowledge therefore of the air movement characteristics if such shafts is vital in understanding the ventilation and leakage patterns in medium and high rise buildings. Such work has been particularly helpful in the prediction and evaluation of smoke control procedures. This review attempts to outline the main areas of research that have been undertaken in the evaluation and understanding of air leakage characteristics of both stairwells and lift shafts.
Ventilation and Infiltration Characteristics of Lift Shafts and Stair Wells - A Selected Bibliography.

Bibliographic info:
AIVC, Annotated Bibliography 01, 1993