Cooking activities generate massive fine particulate matter (number concentration). Effective ventilation system can improve the indoor air quality impacts of pollutants from residential cooking. Make-up air supply system can improve the range hood and Indoor air quality. In this study, we measured a capture efficiency of range hood with make-up air supply and indoor particles during cooking activates. For household’s comfort, make-up air supply was installed the line diffuser type. Case 1 PN concentrations increased to around 60,000#/cm3. Ratio of neat broiling emitted particles less than 0.5 ㎛ is almost 70%. Make-up air supply system could reduce particle concentrations compared in compared by using only range hood and hood+HRV supply (-41, -6%). Furthermore, Particle deposition rate constant of case3 was 0.96±0.26 (h-1). It is higher than other cases (same ventilation volume)
Ventilation improvement for make-up air supply system cooking-generated indoor particles
Languages: English | Pages: 5 pp
Bibliographic info:
39th AIVC Conference "Smart Ventilation for Buildings", Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France, 18-19 September 2018