Ganem C., Coch H., Esteves A.
Bibliographic info:
26th AIVC Conference "Ventilation in relation to the energy performance of buildings", Brussels, Belgium, 21-23 September 2005

Application of ventilation techniques, as well as the use of any passive environmental solution in a rehabilitation, requires knowledge of the particularities of the climate and the specific characteristics of the building stock. In a theoretical approach, these two variables would be enough to predict indoor behaviour. Nevertheless, in practice, one third variable needs to be considered, as user habits can completely change the equation. This study is referred to a continental dry template climate, particularly to the city of Mendoza (32.88 south latitude, 68.85 west longitude and 827 m.a.s.l. Annual cooling DD (base 23C): 138 C day/year, Annual heating DD (base 18C): 1384 C day/year). The selection of the studied buildings was based in presenting the most common housing typologies and their envelope characteristics. There were selected three different low density housing typologies. The actual thermal performance of each building was monitored a 20 day period each season. Different hypothetical scenarios were compared in order to understand the influence of ventilation as a passive technique in rehabilitation and the relationship of this strategy with user habits. Conclusions address the possibilities of ventilation as a passive technique in rehabilitation. Criteria of intervention is provided according to user habits.