This is the second part of a study on natural ventilation in functional buildings. Reports the results of 23 measurements on a number of partitions, internal walls and one brick built internal wall. Measurements were made in 4 buildings. For the largest leakages measured in these 4 buildings, a strong influence was observed on the ventilation of neighbouring rooms. The opening of a window in a room has notable consequences on the ventilation and air flow in the other rooms. The measured air leakages ranged from 0038 to 0.068 m2 for a wall and .0131 -.0529 m2 for a room.
Ventilation in small functional buildings - measurements of air leakage of interior walls Ventilatie in kleine utilitaire gebouwen metingen aan luchtlekken van binnewanden

Bibliographic info:
IMG-TNO Report C522, September 1983, 81pp, 55 figs, 23 tabs. #DATE 01:09:1983, in Dutch,