An experimental study of the thermal performance of an air flow window with triple glazing is described. The measurements were carried out in a climatic chamber under conditions close to a winter season. In the experiments, the temperature and heat-flux distributions on each pane surface, and also the air temperature distribution over the window height at the middle of the ventilated cavity were determined. The thermal performances of forced and naturally ventilated windows with internal cavities of various thicknesses are reported for a wide range of air flow rates.
Ventilation of window interpane cavity aimed at a higher temperature of the inner pane.

Bibliographic info:
Hong Kong, City University, Division of Building Science and Technology, 2001, proceedings of IAQVEC 2001, "Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings: Fourth International Conference", held Changsha, Hunan, China, 2-5 October, 2