The purpose of this study is to determine how levels of indoor air quality vary in elementary schools insouthern Japan. This study is based on field monitoring carried out both as short-time summermeasurements?Measurement I?and intermittent monitoring from summer to winter (Measurement II).The concentrations of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) were measured in nineteen classrooms inKagoshima City. The measurements also include carbon dioxide (CO2) and the air change rate inselected four classrooms for Measurement II. In the construction of the classrooms, standard materialsand common construction methods were used. The VOCs concentrations decreased in accordancewith the age of the school building. The average air change rate of classrooms measured duringsummer period was high at 18 h-1, where windows and doors had been all open. During winter period,windows and doors had been closed in the classrooms, then the air change rate was low at 1 h-1. TheVOCs concentrations in the classrooms varied from summer to winter in accordance with the change ofthe air change rate and the thermal condition. High concentration of 1,4-dichlorobenzene was found inthe toilet and in the adjoining classroom.

Bibliographic info:
The 6th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings IAQVEC 2007, Oct. 28 - 31 2007, Sendai, Japan