States that failures in electronic equipment can be caused by volatile organic compounds. Detailed observations from a three year study of VOCs at a telephone switching office in Neenah, Wisconsin, USA are presented and data are included on matched indoor and outdoor VOC measurements, and corresponding data on HVAC fan operation and ventilation rates. The small number of occupants in the office enabled the study to assess factors influencing VOC levels without complications of human behaviour. It was found that during normal periods of time the total VOC levels were inversely proportional to the air exchange rates. The sources with the greatest surface area tended to have the most influence on the levels. Results indicated that low baseline levels of VOCs can be achieved by minimizing VOC sources and providing adequate ventilation. At non-normal periods such as when new equipment was being installed, the levels, although elevated, still remained within tolerable limits, which returned to pre-installation values after three months. Achieving such low levels was inexpensive. Low VOC and low airborne particles were not mutually exclusive.
Volatile organic compounds measured at a telephone switching center from 5/30/85 - 12/6/88: a detailed case study.

Bibliographic info:
J Air Waste Manage Assoc, Vol 42, 1992, pp 792-804, 7 figs, 7 tabs, 27 refs.