Passive cooling by cross-ventilation has been considered to be a key technology for reducing cooling requirements. While various applications have been introduced in both domestic and non-domestic buildings, the strategy of operating windows and air-conditioners to utilize cooling potential has not been well investigated. This paper illustrates how occupants behaviour related to window operation affects the reduction of cooling requirements in domestic buildings. By means of simulation using TRNSYS and COMIS, several ways of operation were tested and compared to a reference operation that is assumed to be normal. In addition, optimal operations for reducing cooling loads are presented by employing optimization techniques. The methodology helps to find a recommended way of operation, or to develop a control system that operates windows and air-conditioning automatically.
Windows and HVAC Operation to Reduce Cooling Requirement by Means of Cross-Ventilation

Bibliographic info:
The International Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 5 N°1, June 2006, pp 151-162