
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The project is aimed to develop the quantitative method of visualization of the air steams in application to the indoor problems of heauilg , ventilating and air conditioning.
Gottschalk G, Tanner P A, Suter P
The paper describes measuring results of the air movement from three different types of diffusers for displacement ventilation. Two of the diffusers are lowlevel wall mounted diffusers, one with a low and one with a high initial entrainment.
Nielsen P V, Hoff L, et al
Traditionally air has been supplied from the ceiling to the occupants below opposing the buoyancy effects due to heat convected from people, lights and machines.
Croome D J
This paper presents an analysis of indoor climate in buildings with forced air heating systems. The results is based on indoor climate measurements and extensive interviews with the occupants.
Jagbeck P O, Warner G, Engvall K
Increases in building air tightness for purposes of energy saving have, unfortunately, also led to a significant increase in the number of instances of condensation damage, particularly in domestic properties.
Edwards, R E, Irwin C
This work is concerned with measuring air flows between the floors of houses. A simple measuring technique is described in which two portable SF6 systems were employed. The design and construction of the portable system are presented.
Riffat S B, Walker J, Littler J
A constant concentration tracer gas (CCTG) measuring system needs a control algorithm to calculate, at each sampling time, the required tracer gas injection rate to keep the gas concentration at a target level.
Compagnon R, Kohler A, et al
Since thermal comfort on human body is influenced by the local air flow speed, it is needed to estimate the distribution of air flow speed in a room for the "effective ventilation".
Tsutsumi J, et al
An element-assembly formulation of multi-zone contaminant dispersal analysis theory is described.
Axley J
This paper describes a two-dimensional numerical study, by finite-volume method of buoyancy-driven flow in a half-scale model of a stairwell.
Zohrabian A S, Mokhtarzadieh-Dehghan M R
The specific value of different flows resulting from air exchanges between rooms or with the outside is not always important. An extensive model is not suitable when only estimations or tendencies have to be drawn (very time consuming).
Caccavelli D, Roux J J, Allard F
Air leakage through the building envelope is of great importance for the energy use of a building. However, from an indoor air quality standpoint, the size of interior leaks in e.g. multifamily buildings could be important as e.g.
Levin P
Infiltration heat losses due to heating appliances located within the living space are normally evaluated by reducing the conversion efficiency of the boiler, with no consideration for the fluid dynamic interaction between boiler, chimney and buil
Fracastoro G V, Masoero M
Mechanical ventilation systems have been adopted in airtight energy- efficient houses in Canada to provide fresh air, remove moisture and indoor pollutants and provide a comfortable environment for the home-occupants.
Riley M, Piersol P
To avoid the shortcomings and problems that occur in today's ventilation systems a ventilation concept for future dwelling-houses is under development. The concept responds to the way of living and building in the future.
Luoma M, Kohonen R
This text contains comments to the poster presented at the 9th AlVC Conference in Gent, Belgium.
Hertig J A, Ehinger J
Air exchange rates in occupied buildings are difficult to assess due to their dependence on a multitude of climatic parameters and inhabitant behaviour.
Crameri R, Schuler Ch, et al
This paper reviews research activities undertaken in the framework of IEA Annex XIV, "Energy and Condensation". It outlines the objectives and working scheme.
Senave E
This work deals with problems of the air humidity in inhabited dwellings. A new approach is presented here which renders the definite diagnosis of humidity problems possible.
Schmickler F P
This paper deals with field experience of airborne moisture transfer problems in houses. Two types of phenomena are discussed in more detail; the infiltration of moist air from crawl spaces and the propagation of moist air produced in kitchens.
Oldengarm J
