
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

A capability to measure part-per-quadrillion concentrations of a family of perfluorocarbon tracers (PFTs) has been developed. 
Dietz R N, Goodrich R W, Cote E A, et al.
Presents the results to date of the use of the multiple tracer gas technique to determine interzonal airflow and ventilation rates in large, multicelled buildings like offices.
Perera M D A E S, Walker R R, Trim M J B.
To measure actual air infiltration in dwellings due to the house and inhabitants it is necessary to measure continuously for several days. This can be done by the constant concentration measuring method.
Collet P F, Kvisgaard B.
The quantitative determination of formaldehyde in air using the fluorimetric acetylacetone method is described. Known concentrations of formaldehyde were generated and collected in water using absorbers.
Bisgaard P, Molhave L, Rietz B, et al.
The design and calibration of a passive sampler operating according to the diffusion principle and its application to the analysis of indoor air are described.
Seifert B, Abraham H J
As airtight houses become more popular across Canada, reduced ventilation rates may lead to poor air quality and high humidity problems in these dwellings.
TES Ltd.
To elucidate any connection between high radon concentrations and low-infiltration houses, the 222Rn concentrations and infiltration rates have been measured concurrently in US houses.
Nero A V, Boegel M L, Hollowell C D et al.
The objectives of a ventilation system are to provide an aerial environment in which 1, animals' health and productivity can be maintained, 2, the stockman's comfort and health needs are satisfied, and 3, the building and equipment are protected f
Wathes C M, Jones C D R, Webster A J F
To quantify the inferred elevated radon concentrations in energy efficient homes caused by lower air infiltration due to airtightness, an attempt was made to eliminate some of the more important conflicting parameters by measuring pairs of adjacen
Burkart W, Wernli C, Brunner H H
An increasing incidence of 'building illness' is being noted among white-collar workers due to the high pollutant content of air in modern energy-efficient office buildings. 
Sterling T D, Sterling E, Dimich-Ward H
For controlling and for setting ventilation standards to maintain acceptable indoor air quality, it would appear to be of greatest importance to determine the strength of relationships between contaminant concentrations on one hand and different r
Sterling E M, Sterling T D
The Aardvark automated system has been developed for continuously measuring the air-exchange rate and 222Rn (radon) concentration in an occupied residence.
Nazaroff W W, Offermann F J, Robb A W
The primary objective of this paper is to show the distribution of heat losses in prairie commercial greenhouses of various constructions and to suggest and test methods of energy saving.
Green G H, Tse P W
Industrial buildings, particularly those containing nuclear and process plant, often require high standards of ventilation in order to cope with unusual features of the operations or process which take place within the buildings.
Broyd T W, Dean R B, Oldfield S G et al.
Naturally ventilated containers for international transport of hygroscopic commodities are now well established.
Heap R D
Gives short summaries of mainly English-language literature on radon, formaldehyde and other indoor pollutants.
Bendix Environmental Research, Inc.
The effect of reduced air infiltration rate caused by energy-saving measures has been studied by comparing the indoor climate in 25 sealed apartments with the conditions in 25 unsealed apartments in Denmark in four seasonal periods. 
Korsgaard J
The National Radiological Protection Board has undertaken a large scale environmental survey of radiation levels in homes throughout the United Kingdom. Passive radon and gamma ray dosemeters were posted to a representative sample of households.
Driscoll C M H, Green B M R, McKinlay A F, et al.
Models have been developed to enable prediction to be made of the dose incurred indoors from gamma radiation and from inhalation of radon decay products. 
Brown K, Dimbylow P J, Wilkinson P
This paper presents the results of a computational and experimental study to assess the possible benefits of using mathematical modeling techniques for cleanroom design.
Broyd T W, Deaves D M, Oldfield S G
