
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The daughter products of radon are chemically active materials which, when inhaled are very likely to deposit in the respiratory tract. Defines a special unit, the working level, to indicate the radiation burden from radon daughters.
Jonassen, N.
This is a practical handbook for constructing an energy efficient house. Describes energy conservation measures for the reduction of space heating in an average house on the Prairies.
Energy Research Development Group
In some buildings in Canada ventilation systems are being operated with the outside air supply dampers completely closed during winter to reduce ventilation and hence conserve energy.
Tamura G.T.
Describes the current research programme of the Laboratory concerning air infiltration and ventilation. Gives some technical details.
Railio J. Saarnio P. Siitonen V.
This work deals with different aspects of air movements in building components. The investigation shows to what degree the concept of fluid mechanics can be applied to problems concerning air flows in building componenets.
Kronvall J.
Describes method for calculating the adventitious ventilation of a building using information from a pressurization test.
Jardinier P.
States condensation caused by high humidity is a major problem in British homes. Describes a conventional heat pump dehumidifier for removing moisture from the air.
Brundrett G.W. Blundell C.J.
An automated air infiltration measurement system for large buildings isdescribed. The system consists of a micro-computer, electron capture gaschromatograph, a ten port sampling manifold, and five tracer gas injectionunits.
Grot R.A. Hunt C.M. Harrje D.T.
This is a short guide to mastics and sealants used to seal the joint between an aluminium window and a structure. Gives table of materials available, and their properties. Gives detailed instructions for applying sealants to window joints.
Aluminium Window Association.
Reports tests of the effect of various air treatment devices on the radon daughter concentrations within a room. Test were carried out using an electrostatic precipitator, a humidifier and a dehumidifier.
Miles J.C.H. Davies B.L. Algar R.A. Cliff K.D.
Proposes a method of linking pressurization measurements in buildings with infiltration rates. The method is based on a simple theoretical model.
Warren P.R. Webb B.C.
A simple method for generating values of the monthly mean wind speed from Caton's annual wind speed map has been developed. Gives details of method. Results have been checked against observation as far as the limited data tohand will allow.
Page J.K. Colquoun I.
Describes the development of an anemometer for the measurement of rapidly fluctuating air flows. Describes the B.R.E. shielded hot wire anemometer.
Robertson P. Cockroft J.P.
Discusses energy saving measures taken in the Ekono office building, headquarter of Ekono consulting engineers, situated near Helsinki.
Gabrielsson J. Maki H. Sulku J. Kuusela L.
Energy lost through ventilation becomes increasingly important as building insulation levels improve.
Brundrett G.W.
Presents code of practice which supersedes CP3:chapter 1(c):1950. Deals with ventilation of buildings for human occupation. Outlines main reasons for provision of ventilation and gives recommended quantitative air flowrates.
British Standards Institution
The air-tightness of various houses is revealed by testing with the pressurization method, and the equivalent open area of air infiltration per floor area is proposed as the index of air-tightness of a house.< Then the heating system, indoor ai
Yoshino H.
Reports investigation of the air quality in a sound-insulated dwelling house.
Nakane Y.
Describes the thermal and ventilative properties of some older dwellings and the latest test dwelling in Hokkaido. Results include the following.< 1) The above mentioned older dwellings suffer a great heat loss by ventilation and conduction.
Sasaki T. Enai M.
Presents a long term calculation method for indoor air temperature and moisture variation related to the water vapour condensation problem in a detached residence. In this method, the multi-room infiltration calculation is developed.
Tsuchiya T.
