
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

The AIVC website includes a protected content feature that provides access to AIRBASE. Access to the protected content is free of charge but requires you to register first.

The AIVC is preparing a series of VIP on national regulations and trends in airtightness for various countries (numbered VIP 45.XX), detailing for both building and ductwork airtightness:
Andrejs Nitijevskis, Vladislavs Keviss, Nolwenn Hurel
In this work, we propose a method to couple the behaviour models developed with Python in a previous paper with the dynamic thermal simulation software EnergyPlus, an advanced code used in research and design.
Maäréva Payet, Maxime Boulinguez, Mathieu David, Philippe Lauret, François Garde
Indoor air pollution is a significant concern due to its adverse effects on human health and productivity.
Alireza Afshari, Alessandro Maccarini, Göran Hultmark
The need for airtightness control is a reality given its impact on buildings’ energy use and IAQ. For the past few years, this fact has resulted in energy performance regulations being established in many countries in Europe and North America.
Irene Poza-Casado, Pilar Rodríguez-del-Tío, Miguel Fernández-Temprano, Miguel Ángel Padilla-Marcos, Alberto Meiss
There are several knowledge gaps that explains a lack of knowledge on minimum ventilation rates for intercepting airborne respiratory infection.
Yuguo Li, Wei Jia
The world is facing a rapid increase of air conditioning of buildings.
Peter Holzer
The world is seeing a rapid increase of cooling of buildings1.
Vincenzo Corrado, Theofanis Psomas, Philipp Stern
International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 78 was launched in 2018.
Bjarne W. Olesen, Pawel Wargocki
Due to climate change, Western Europe is experiencing a surge in cooling demand, leading to higher summer temperatures accompanied by longer and stronger heat waves, thereby intensifying the toll on our buildings.
Shiva Khosravi, Joost Declercq, Delphine Ramon
Improving the knowledge on uncertainty for fan pressurization measurement is of first importance.
Martin Prignon
The buildings ‘sector is facing multiple challenges due to the need to generalize a sober approach and to reduce its energy consumption, its CO2 emissions and its impact on climate change, to reduce its environmental impact and its carbon footprin
Gaëlle Guyot
We performed residential indoor fine particle (PM2.5) measurement from 26 homes and three outdoor monitoring locations.
Jiayao Chen, Francesco Pilla
Airtightness is of key importance, both for indoor thermal comfort and for energy efficiency of buildings.
Esad Tombarević, Igor Vušanović, Miloš Krivokapić
Airtight, highly insulated, and passively cooled buildings in the EU are designed under typical outdoor and indoor thermal conditions.
Abantika Sengupta, Jef Kerckaert, Marijke Steeman, Hilde Breesch
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #45.6 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building and ductwork airtightness in France.
Bassam Moujalled, Adeline Mélois, France
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #45.4 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building and ductwork airtightness in Belgium.
Liesje Van Gelder, Maarten De Strycker, Christophe Delmotte, Arnold Janssens, Belgium
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #45.5 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building and ductwork airtightness in Latvia.
Andrejs Nitijevskis, Vladislavs Keviss, Nolwenn Hurel, EU
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #45.3 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building and ductwork airtightness in the Czech Republic.
Jiří Novák, Daniel Adamovský, Jan Vitouš, Czech Republic
AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper #45.2 summarizes current knowledge on trends in building and ductwork airtightness in Spain.
Timo Hoek, Irene Poza-Casado, Sergio Melgosa
As the AIVC was created in 1979, the 40th anniversary of the AIVC was celebrated in October 2019 at the 40th AIVC conference in Ghent. In the context of this celebration, it was decided to publish 2 overview publications:
Willem de Gids, Max Sherman
