
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Building services create customised, user-oriented and controlled conditions for thevarious activities taking place on real estatesand related premises.This paper presents an outlool< of buildingservices trends in Finland.
Paiho, S.; Ahlqvist, T.; Lehtinen, E.
Misawa Homes have developed a homeaiming a zero annual energy balance, definedas the energy consumption over production byusing solar energy, in 1997.
Ohta, I.
Subtask B of the IEA-ECBS Annex 44"Integrating Environmentally ResponsiveElements in Buildings" deals with thedevelopment and the optimisation of integratedbuilding elements.
Blumel, E.; Krail, J.; Jahnig, D.; Wagner, W.
Thermal mass activation (TMA) can assure, incertain cases, thermal comfort conditionswithout the need of air conditioning systems.Even if other cooling systems have to be used,night ventilation significantly reduces theduration of the working time
L. Stephan, P. Tittelein, E. Wurtz, B. Souyri
Thermal mass can be used in buildings toreduce the need for and dependence onmechanical heating and cooling systems whilstmaintaining environmental comfort.
Warwick, D.J.; Cripps, A.J.; Kolokotroni, M.
Double-skin facade (DSF) is an architectural/ engineering solution developed from the need to increase comfort in buildings with full glazed facades.
Marques da Silva, F.; Pereira, I.; Pinto, A.; Gloria Gomes, M.; Moret Rodrigues, A.
Thermal building simulations (TRNSYS) werelinked to nodal airflow network simulations(COMIS) for a detailed ventilated double-skinfacade calculation of performance.
Haase, M.; Marques da Silva, F.; Amato, A.
HVAC (Heating, ventilating air conditioning)system is used to keep indoor air quality. Thepurpose of the traditional HAVC system isproviding a comfortable environment andventilating the indoor air pollutants.
C-H. Luo, S. Yang, Y-C. Huang
In order to further improve energyperformance of buildings, intelligentbuilding control is needed which integratesindividual demands and behavior ofoccupants.
Zeiler, W.; Noom, P.; Boxem, G.; Van Houten, R.; Van der Velden, J.; Haan, J.F.; Wortel, W.; Hommelberg, M.; Kamphuis, R.; Broekhuizen, H.
DX A/C systems are widely used insmall to medium size building and generallyrely on On-Off control as a low-cost approachto maintain only indoor dry-bulb temperature.Continuously running the supply fan in a DXA/C system has a significant influence
Chan, M.Y.; Chen, Y.M.
In this paper, a multi-zone modeling concept isproposed based on a simplified energy balanceformulation to provide a better prediction of theindoor horizontal temperature variation insidethe livestock building.
Z. Wu, J. Stoustrup, P. Heiselberg
The quality of a hydronic energy system isinfluenced by supply and return temperatures.Instead of using the exergy term, a TEA(Temperature and Energy Accumulated) curveis introduced for evaluating an examplifiedplanned 100 GWh district heating sys
T.T. Harsem, B.A. Borresen
The objective of this study is to identify theeffects of mirror duct system on energy savingsfor luminaries.
E. Mochizuki, H. Komine, H. Kimura
The target of this study is to investigate aninnovative indoor LED illumination that usesheat pipes as the heat transfer channels toconduct the released heat of the LED to theheat-sink fins on the two sides.
Lai, C.-M.; Chiang, C.-M.; Wang, F.-J.
In this paper the energy performance and thepotentials of the energy savings decrease in twooffice buildings in northern Greece areexamined, within the frames of a renovationproject in office buildings of the public sector.Energy audits and simula
Koinakis, C.J.; Sakelaris, J.K.
The primary purpose of the present study was toevaluate the effects of retrofitting of windowsashes by measuring air tightness performanceand thermal environment of apartment housesbuilt during the period 1965 - 1974 before andafter the retrofitti
Toriumi, Y.; Kurabuchi, T.; Nagai, T.; Fukada, K.; Endo, T.; Kodera, S.; Asami, J
Nowadays, due to the energy saving purposes inthe building sector, at new buildings and atrefurbishments, modem closing elements arebuilt-in, with very good thermal insulation andair tightness properties.
F. Kalmar, T. Kalmar, E. Varga, I. Kocsis, T. Jenei, G. Csomos
The purposes of this research are to contrast theenergy consumption characteristics of oldresidential buildings and new residentialbuildings in Shanghai, China, and to analyzeinfluence factors of residential energyconsumption.
Chen, S.Q.; Yoshino, H.; Li, Z.H.
The building sector is the first responsible ofenergy consumption in France (about 43%).Improving procedures, simulation tools anddesign methods should go in parallel withefforts to enhance the energy efficiency and tofind optimal design solutions
I. Jaffal, C. Inard, C. Ghiaus
There are many technologies aimed at reducing energy demand of ventilation systems, but thefocus in these designs has remained on the airheating system and exhaust losses.
Meggers, F.; Baldini, L.
