
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes thermal characteristics of a hydronic floor heating system using heat pumps. An experimental system is constructed in a climate chamber. It has a test room with a floor area of 1 1.6 m2 and an air volume of 23.15 m3.
Kindaichi, S.; Kim, S.; Akamine, Y.; Mae, M.; Sakamoto, Y.
In hot and humid regions, cooling anddehumidification are important issues of inindoor environment.
N. Areemit, Y. Sakamoto
As a matter of national policy, we have tochallenge to save energy in residential sectorthat contribute to C02 emission because theKyoto protocol has talten effect in 2005.
Soejima, M.; Watanabe, T.; Ozaki, A.; Rikimaru, C.
A radiant cooling system with the use of anordinary air conditioner in attic space, whichmay cope with natural ventilation, wasdeveloped as a trial.
N. Suzuki, M. Shukuya, T. Kakegami
In residential buildings moisture is adominant pollution source removed by theventilation system. The Danish buildingcode requires a minimum air change rate of0.5h-1 in residential buildings to avoidmoisture related problems.
Mortensen, D.K.; Nielsen, T.R.; Svendsen, S.; Topp, C.
This paper presents the energy savings thatcould be obtained by the appropriate design ofthe building in terms of morphology, thermalinertia and glazed area.
Catalina, T.; Virgone, J.; Blanco, E.
In the recent years in Latvia is rapidlydeveloping construction sector of residentialbuildings. Engineers have to give moreattention to heating and cooling system'stechnology in the buildings to stay competitivein the realty's market.
Skapare, I.; Kreslins, A.
The productivity of occupants in classroomsdepends strongly on the indoor air quality andthe thermal comfort. Three ventilation conceptswith different arrangements of supplyand exhaust openings are presented as solutionsin this study.
Gu, B.; Schmid, J.
Today lots of research and application of solarheating are focused on continuously occupiedbuildings, such as residential buildings.
G. Yu, H. Yang
It is known that there are some methods ofenergy conservation for building facilities.Energy recovery ventilator (ERV),which canrecover sensible heat and latent heat, is one ofthe solution to reduce heatinglcooling loads,which are related to the p
Onishi, S.; Tajima, M.
A double-skin facade is installed in a laboratory full scale test cell. The double-skin fagade has a 20 cm wide air cavity with Venetian sun-shading blinds and is provided with mechanical ventilation.
Gavan, V.; Woloszyn, M.; Roux, J.-J.; Muresan, C.; Jandon, M.
During the past half century, filtration techniques based on the use of activated carbons have been widely used in industrial applications, and considerable knowledge about the mass transfer processes involved has been developed.
Popescu, R.S.; Blondeau, P.; Colda, I.; Niculita, L.
Reinforcement of air-tightness and thermalinsulation in the indoors leads to the declinein air-change rate.
Kwon, Y.-C.; Chu, E.-S.; Kim, S.-W.; Lee, J.-K.; Moon, J.-M.; Youn, B.
The results of a recent research and it'sstatistical analysis, show that in some of theIranian cities like YAZD, there are two periods(from end of august to end of September andfrom end of February to end of March) in whichoutdoor pollution is hig
Rezaei, F.
The research regarding the importance of indoorair quality is recently becoming issue fromKorea and various methods are being used toimprove interior air quality.
Song, J.-E.; Kim, Y.-S.; Sohn, J.-Y.
Activated carbon filters have been used forpurification of air and water in industrialapplications.
F. Haghighat, C.S. Lee, A. Bastani
Tokyo Electric Power Company R&D Center wascompleted in September 1994.
Yanagihara, R.; Kawano, M.
Numerous studies and everyday experiencesprove the fact that even new buildings do notperform as expected.
Pietilainen, J.; Kauppinen, T.; Nykanen, V.; Peltonen, J.
This paper describes the optimum HVACcontrol system that the simulation is executedusing the data of BEMS and the weatherforecasting, etc.
Utsumi, Y.; Kamimura, K.; Kishima, S.; Taira, U.
designed "air-curtain chemical fume hood" arediagnosed by using the tracer gas concentrationdetection method.
R.F. Huang, H.D. Chen
