
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The objective of this study is to investigate how measured ventilation rates in dwellings vary over the heating season in a Nordic climate.
Stymne H., Emenius G., Boman C.A.
In this paper experimental results are used to verify and validate a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model based on a commercial package. The validation is used to ensure that the CFD model is able to simulate stratum ventilation.
Lin Z., Chow T.T., Tsang C.F.
1. Thoughts 1. Why care? 2. Sustainable Architecture or just Architecture, are they something different? 3. On past and future – learning from tradition. 4. On the overwhelming power of design. 5. On starchitecture. 6.
Tombazis, A.N.
The utilization factor is a relative well-known concept used in some simplified calculation methodssuch as the procedure described in the CEN EN-13790 where the FU depends on the inertia of thezone.
Sanchez de la Flor, F.J.; Alvarez Dominguez, S.; Salmeron Lissen, J.M., Ruiz Pardo, A.
This paper presents a case study of a typically poor energy performing factory building singled outfrom nation-wide study on factory buildings for improving energy performance.
Chia, Y.L.; Lee, S.E.
To achieve the intended results of building, managing and using a property requires knowledge,continuity and communication, which can be assured by a dynamic and flexible quality assurance(QA) system.
Wahlström, A.; Törnström, T.; Ruud, S.
Since most important design decisions are taken during the first design phase, an evaluation ofthe total environmental impact is necessary at that moment.
Allacker, K.; De Troyer, F.
The goal of this study, carried out on a wooden building, is to apply the methodology of identification inorder to obtain the physical parameters which characterize the thermal behaviour of the building.
Mejri, O.; Palomo, E.; Ghrab-Morcos, N.
In this paper the thermal behaviour of a direct ground cooling system located in Milano, Italy, isstudied by means of dynamic simulations performed in the TRNSYS environment.
Angelotti, A.; Solaini, G.
Nowadays energy performance is an increasing concern to sustainable urban planning because of itsimplications in energy consumption patterns.
Cardenas-Jiron, L.A.; Azar, S.; Teller, J.
This paper aims to report the solar and thermal data for various common and innovative materialsused in outdoor urban applications. The tested materials include various types of coatings, tiles andasphalt pavement.
Synnefa, A.; Santamouris, M.; Korres, D.
Active solar heating was a favorite topic after the first energy crisis. Usage for space heating, however,proved to be completely uneconomic. Domestic hot water systems, instead, retained attention.
Hens, H.S.L.C.; Verbeeck, G.
This paper presents the application of multi-inputs single-output (MISO) models to estimate thethermophysicals parameters of a building.
Boubaker, J.B.H.; Ghrab-Morcos, N.; Candau, Y.
This paper presents the results of a Radiance-based intermodel comparison between the validatedDaysim daylight coefficient model and a new standard model for dynamic daylighting simulations (DDS).The new model offers independence from site locatio
Bourgeois, D.; Reinhart, C.F.
Indoor humidity is an important parameter influencing the occupants’ perception of indoor air quality, and is also a cause of harmful processes that may occur on surfaces of materials, such as cracking of walls or microbiological growth.
Woloszyn, M.; May, M.; Kwiatkowski, J.
In this past decade, glazed façades use in new buildings has soared. Some of these façades, called "double skin façades", are made of internal and external glazing.
Safer, N.; Gavan, V.; Woloszyn, M.; Roux, J-J.
In this paper, a study of the energy performance in Singapore’s hotel industry is reported. Energy consumption data and other pertinent information were collected from 29 quality hotels through a national survey.
Wu, X.; Lee, S.E.; Priyadarsini, R.
The combined heat, cooling and power production (CHCP) is one of the most interesting methods toincrease the system global efficiency by supplying electric and thermal power needs both in winter andin summer, and at the same time reducing CO2 emis
Caruso, G.; De Santoli, L.; Giamminuti, F.; Sodani, P.
The mitigation of the heat island effect can be achieved by the use of cool materials that arecharacterized by high solar reflectance and infrared emittance values.
Synnefa, A.; Dandou, A.; Santamouris, M.; Tombrou, M.; Soulakellis, N.
According to the Article 6 of the 2002/91/EC – EP “when buildings with a total useful floor area over 1000 m2 undergo major renovation their energy performance is upgraded in order to meet minimum requirements ….” which should be derived “…in acco
Zöld, A.; Szalay, Z.; Csoknyai, T.
