
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Researchers and practitioners have proposed a variety of solutions to reduce electricity consumptionand curtail peak demand.
Amrani Joutey, H.; Vaezi-Nejad, H.; Clemonçon, B.; Rosenstein, F.
This paper introduces a new approach for the prediction of hourly energy consumption inbuildings.
Karatasou, S.; Santamouris, M.
This work proposes a mathematical dynamic modeling of a PV-T bi-fluids collector prototype that willpermit electricity production and preheating air and/or hot water production.This study is realised in a bi-dimensional geometry according to some
Assoa, Y.B., Brau, J.; Menezo, C.; Yezou, R.
In 1997 several countries ratified the Kyoto protocol and so engage themselves to take into accountthe global warming, promote the sustainable development and act in order to reduce emission ofgreenhouse gases.
Jung, O.; Elmankibi, M.; Michel, P.
Within the context of an energy performance regulation, it is essential to take the transmission lossesinto account. If building details are not well designed or carried out, thermal bridges can substantiallyincrease the transmission losses.
Vandermarcke, B.; Schietecat, J.; Houvenaghel, G.; Van Orshoven, D.; Roels, S.; Janssens, A.
The objective of this paper is to analyse if Radiant Cooling Ceiling (RCC) has the potential to providebetter comfort and energy consumption in prefabricated buildings by comparison with conventionalsystems installed on this structures.
Catalina, T.; Virgone, J.; Martin, J.J.
In order to compare a hybrid lighting system with automatic control to a traditional lighting system withmanual control, a subjective assessment study was carried out in two rooms at the TechnicalUniversity of Istanbul.
Erdem, L.; Enarun, D.
Heat and mass transfers in building materials influence the thermal properties and performances ofthe materials more especially as they are porous.
Samri, D.; Arnaud, L.
Vegetation on the building envelope can have a marked effect on the microclimate and on the building’s energy behavior as well. In this paper, the impact of planted roofs on the thermal load of buildings is presented.
Aravantinos, D.G.; Axarli, K.N.
Recent studies predict a dramatic increase of cooling energy demand in Europe, despite the availableknowledge and technologies of passive cooling.
Varga, M.; Bangens, L.; Cavelius, R.; Isaksson, C.; Laia, C.; Leutgöb, K.; Lopes, C.; Martinez Davison, J.; Nicol, J.F.; Pagliano, L.; Perednis, E.; Read, G.E.F.; Zangheri, P.
The indoor climate plays a key-role in relation to sustainable building. Often measured or simulatedtime series are used for the evaluation of indoor climate performances.
Martens, M.H.J.; van Schijndel, A.W.M.; Schellen, H.L.
In this paper, we discuss the characteristics, of diatomite, a moisture-absorbent material used for anew air-conditioning system. Diatomite powder is formed into grains (diameter: 8 mm) with a slantrotatingprocessing machine.
Enai, M.; Ohashi, M.; Hayama, H.
The use of artificial lighting in the office buildings has significant contribution on total energyconsumption of the building.
Bhusal, P.; Tetri, E.; Halonen, L.
This paper analyzes the indoor hygrothermal loads measured in 27 detached houses and in 13apartments. A survey was conducted during the years 2003-2006 in Estonia.
Kalamees, T.
Highly efficient thermal insulation of the building envelope demands for layers up to 40 cm thickness.This often causes problems regarding architecture and loss of space, especially in building renovation.An attractive alternative is the recently
Simmler, H.; Brunner, S.
In 2005, the Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems (ECBCS) program approved the start of a new four-year research project on building commissioning.
Castro, N.; Friedman, H.; Frank, M.
An important part of IEA 34/43 is concerning validation of building simulation models.
Adam, Ch.; André, Ph.
This paper is based on the first Belgian case study developed in the frame of theIEA-ECBCS annex 48 project.
Hanus, V.; Lebrun, J.; Lemort, V.
Important properties of the indoor air quality are temperature and humidity. Very often in new and oldbuildings the temperature is too high or varies too strongly.
Dreyer, J.
Because we spend most of our time in enclosed spaces, thermal comfort of buildings rose increasinglyand then energy consumption correspondingly is increased, aggravating the pollution of naturalenvironment.
Kuznik, F.; Virgone, J.; Reisdorf, R.
