
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This article deals with the effect of a photocatalytic air purifier on perceived air quality tested in rooms polluted by typical indoor pollution sources. The rooms were ventilated at three different outdoor air supply rates.
Kolarik J., Wargocki P.
In the aim of investigating the thermal environment and thermal comfort in residential buildings in Harbin, northeast of China, a field study was performed on a total of 120 participants during the 2000-2001 winter.
Wang ZJ
Indoor air quality (IAQ), is one of the key determinants of the acceptability of indoor environments.
Yang H., Zhang H., You S., Wang P.
Subjective experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of three different types of Task air-conditioning systems (3DU+, PEM, and TU) on thermal comfort in a climate chamber - conditioned at 28C/50%RH with task systems and 26C/50%RH witho
Amai H., Tanabe SI, Akimoto T., Genma T.
For that study, experiments were carried out to evaluate thermal comfort in highly airtight and insulated rooms, where floor heaters and air-conditioners were installed.
Katahira D, Akimoto T., Kuwasawa Y., Emura K.
In this paper, thanks to the method of numerical simulation, the influence of building factors on indoor thermal environment of natural ventilated building is analysed .
Wang Y., Liu JP, Xiao YQ, Liu GH, Liu XR
The need of cooling schools in Scandinavia is only for a short period of time .The ventilation system often cannot provide the necessary cooling without causing draught.
Wigo H., Sandberg M.
This paper provides on the one hand data for the improvement of indoor environment in existing high-rise residential buildings in hot summer and cold winter region of China, and on the other hand helps for the designing of HVAC system of such bu
Deng QL, Li NP, Cui YH
Thermal performance of climatic environments in Singapore for natural ventilation has been investigated.
Wang LP, Wong NH
A draft perception study of Displacement Ventilation (DV) system in a Field Environmental Chamber (FEC) with tropically acclimatized subjects is presented in this paper.60 subjects, 30 males and 30 females, were exposed to 3 vertical air temperatu
Yu WJ, Cheong KWD, Tham KW, Sekhar SC, Kosonen R.
The aim of this study is to investigate the distribution of different body parts’ surface temperatures in the space served by displacement ventilation (DV) system. The experiment was conducted in a Field Environmental Chamber in the tropics.
Yu WJ, Cheong KWD, Tham KW, Sekhar SC, Kosonen R.
The aim of that study is to explore the influence of vertical air temperature gradient and room air temperature (at 0.6 m height) on overall and local thermal comfort of 30 tropically acclimatized subjects in a room served by Displacement Ventilat
Yu WJ, Cheong KWD, Tham KW, Sekhar SC, Kosonen R.
Airflow fluctuation is an important factor that affects indoor thermal environment and human thermal response.
Zhou X., Ouyang Q., Lin G., Zhu Y.
A field experiment was conducted in two classes of 10-year-old children. Average air temperatures were reduced from by 3 degrees and outdoor air supply rates were increased , each condition lasting a week.
Wargocki P., Wyon DP, Matysiak B., Irgens S.
Data linking poor IAQ in the classrooms to student performance is limited.
Shaughnessy R., Haverinen-Shaughnessy U., Nevalainen A., Moschandreas D.
An individually controlled system (ICS) at room air temperatures of 20, 22 and 26°C has been tested by forty-eight subjects . Human response to a reference condition without the ICS at a room air temperature of 22°C was also collected.
Knudsen GL., Melikov AK.
An aircraft seat has been designed and constructed with displacement ventilation in the headrest. Tracer gas experiments revealed contaminant removal efficiencies up to 96% in the breathing zone.
Jacobs P., de Gids WF
Two prototypes of air terminal devices (ATD) for personalized ventilation have been developed for that study : the Circular Perforated Panel (CPP) and the Desktop-mounted Grille (DMG) .
Zhou W., Tham KW, Sun W.
The individualized control air conditioning mode can meet different needs of occupants to a greater extent than the traditional total-space air conditioning mode.In this paper, the authors consider that the total supply air system with variable a
Zhang GL, Duanmu L., Shu HW
This article deals with the perception of locally applied airflow from personalized ventilation air terminal devices by tropically acclimatized people.
Gong N., Tham KW, Melikov AK, Wyon DP, Sekhar SC, Cheong DKW
