
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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An experimental and a numerical studies were performed to compare thermal comfort(TC) and indoor air quality(IAQ) in the lecture room for cooling loads when the operating conditions are changed.
Noh KC, Jang JS, Oh MD
The results of field studies in which the occupants of eight academic and office buildings, located in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and Singapore are presented in this paper.
Baird G.
Ventilation airflow rate of the occupied houses in the northern region of Japan is the subject of that study.
Mihara K., Yoshino H., Yanagisawa Y., Kumagai K., Mitamura T, Takaki R., Noguchi M., Osawa H.
Ventilation airflow rate of the occupied houses in the northern region of Japan is the subject of that study.
Mihara K., Yoshino H., Yanagisawa Y., Kumagai K., Mitamura T, Takaki R., Noguchi M., Osawa H.
The paper deals with a nation wide field study in dwellings in order to assess household exposure to indoor air pollutants and related risk factors. It has been launched by the Observatory on Indoor Air Quality (OIAQ) .
Bus N., Derbez M., Golliot F., Kirschner S.
For that study, an investigation of indoor air microbes of two Hong Kong Old Folks Home, one with naturally ventilation and another with mechanically ventilation device, was carried out.
Leung WH., Lai HY., Vrijmoed LLP.
The aim of that study was to clarify the differences in airflow characteristics outside and at three points in a cross-ventilated room under six opening conditions: window-open; insect-screen; lace-curtain; fabric-curtain; combined condition with
Iino Y., Ohba M.
In this study, personal displacement ventilation (PDV), including two cases with all seats taken and two middle seats taken, is compared with overall displacement ventilation (ODV) of all seats taken under the condition that supply temperature is
Zhao JN, Wang LN, Liu J., Gao J., Luo ZW.
This study deals with the indoor air quality in five mechanically ventilated and four naturally ventilated open-plan office buildings in Copenhagen along with their occupants satisfaction.
Hummelgaard J., Juhl P., Sæbjörnsson KO, Clausen G., Toftum J., Langkilde G.
A field study in 18 selected houses in Dublin and the surrounding area has been carried out between September 2004 and February 2005Continuous measurements of Indoor temperature, relative humidity (RH), concentrations of selected pollutants inclu
Guo LY., Lewis J., Kelly A., Lennon D.
The aim of the study was to investigate the association between ventilation and the worker’s nonspecific building-related symptoms (BRS) in one office.
Liu JS, Tsai DH, Chan CC.
Within the European research project HOPE, office and residential buildings were investigated using checklists addressing the building characteristics .
Johner N., Roulet CA, Oostra B., Foradini F.
Within the European research project HOPE, office and residential buildings were investigated using checklists addressing the building characteristics .
Roulet CA., Foradini F., Cox C., Maroni M., Oliveira Fernandez E.
The trial implementation of hybrid ventilation systems in dwelling buildings, done in the scope of the EU LIFE Programme supported project ECOVENTis the aim of that paper.
Belindzeva-Korkla O., Kreslins A.
This study describes the results of field measurement to evaluate air-conditioning operating method for large-scale atrium.
Xu G., Kobayashi H., Sekine T., Okagaki A., Kase H., Kuno S.
Building design and the operation strategy have an influence on ventilation and Indoor Air Quality .
Chan DWT, Law LKC, Mak HKC
The EPA BASE study is concerned with indoor environmental measurements in 100 U.S. office buildings.
Persily AK, Gorfain J., Brunner G.
A three-dimensional mathematical model is described in this paper. It intends to solve the displacement ventilation . The thermal plume and stratification of air in displacement ventilation system are clearly illustrated by numerical results.
Li Y, Wang X., Li J., Sun Y., Jia H.
This paper presents two kinds of ventilation strategies applied respectively to an air-duct-type residential central air conditioning (A/C) system including a variable-speed compressor with inverter and a multi-speed air handler fan.
Chen W., Cai ZX.,Li Z., Deng SM.
For that study , three different ventilation systems for typical single family houses in the Nordic outdoor were compared in order to investigate the resulting energy use and life cycle cost for each of them.The three types of ventilation system a
Johansson D., Torssell R.
