
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper gives an overview of a few quality assessment methods used for ventilation systems.
Carrié F.R., Garin D.
There is increasing evidence that indoor environmental conditions substantially influence health and performance. Macro-economic estimates show that the potential benefits from indoor environmental improvements for the society are high.
Seppänen O, Fisk W.J.
An energy performance regulation has to consider not only energy, but -either explicitly or implicitly- also the relevant comfort aspects: indoor air quality (IAQ), lighting level, humidity level, temperatures (summer, winter) and hot tap water av
Dick van Dijk
This paper summarises the adaptive approach to thermal comfort and analyses the data collected inSCATs surveys of thermal comfort throughout Europe.
Nicol F., Humphreys M.
In practice, the commonly used Dutch design criterion for long-term thermal comfort in buildings-the weighted temperature exceeding hours method--often leads to confusion.The criterion is hard to understand for non-experts, and many doubt the vali
Boerstra A.C., Raue A.K., , Kurvers S.R., Van der Linden A.C., Hogeling J.J.N.M. , R.J. de Dear
European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings was approved in the beginning of 2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article.
Olesen B., Seppanen O., Boerstra A
This paper describes in detail draft Government guidance on the ventilation of buildings in England and Wales.
Ross D., Heartless R.
Most European countries have made large progress in reduction of energy consumption in the housing sector during the last two decades. However, much more can be achieved, as has been shown in Germany and Austria by thousands of Passive Houses.
Henk F. Kaan , Bart J. de Boer
Associations between NO2 exposure and various respiratory conditions and symptoms have already been reported.
Zota A., Adamkiewicz G., Levy J.I., Spengler J.D.
In this paper, current ECS (Environmental Control Systems) have been studied and the risks have been emphasized regarding to air pollutants, health and comfort within the context of indoor air quality.
Karakoc T.H., Isikli B., Kaba S., Atmaca F., Toka S.
This paper analyses HVAC systems and their possibilities to face risks in case of environmental emergencies.
Bronsema B.
The authors have reviewed the literature on the effects of indoor environment on health and performance. And with the existing data have developed some initial models.
Seppanen O., Fisk W.
Japanese government recommends to keep as effort for energy conservation, an office temperature setting of 28°C. in summer. But economic effects and office worker's productivity must be considered.
Tanabe S.
The aim of this paper is to sum up the investigations on human responses to transient thermal environment and to predict the possibility of using the findings in practice.
Zhao R.
In the literature, different measuring methods around the odour intensity, the perceived air quality and the hedonic sensation of odours exists.The new two step approach for the assessment of the perceived air quality separates clearly intensit
Müller D., Bitter F., Kasche J., Müller B.
A re-analysis of a study was made : it concerned 10 groups of 6 female subjects performing office tasks at their own pace during several hours exposures to 6 different air quality conditions.
Bako-Biro ZS, Wargocki P., Wyon DP, Fanger PO.
Physical IAQ parameters were sampled and results plotted in an IAQ study of a high-rise building in Hong Kong. Chemical samples were obtained and results indicated acceptable IAQ based on local and international guidelines.
Tso KS, Liu XR
Physical IAQ parameters were sampled and results plotted in an IAQ study of a high-rise building in Hong Kong. Chemical samples were obtained and results indicated acceptable IAQ based on local and international guidelines.
Tso KS.
This paper reports on the relationship between dryness of the eyes and the presence of airflow around the eyes..The results of a CFD analysis show that a rising airflow around the body forms a coating over the surface of the face.
Saotome T., Murakami S., Kato S., Ishikawa S.
For that study , a survey was conducted within a period of one-year by delivering questionnaires to six hundred students in a chinese universtiy (Hunan Province), measurement on the spot and statistical analyses of collected data were made.
Jiang YT, Yang CZ, Li WJ
