
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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As part of a programme of research investigating thermal comfort on underground trains in London, BRE designed and constructed an experimental facility to be as realistic as possible for "passenger " subjects.
Aizlewood CE, Butler DJG, Emms HK, Hamilton L.
This paper introduces the theory and the application of the wavelet transform method to the study of fluctuating characteristics of airflows in building environments.
Li HJ, Chen XC, Ouyzng Q, Zhu YX
In order to detect thermal environment and comfort in trains, a field survey was carried out in 2004.
Ye XJ, Lian ZW, Li CZ, Liu YM, Liu QZ
The refurbishment of public buildings in Greece gives the opportunity to reconsider the design parameters of out of date, or deficiently designed buildings on the one hand and to proceed with retroffitting actions including indoor environmental qu
Koinakis CJ.
5 comfort studies were conducted in hot humid regions Japan (for outdoor comfort), Thailand, Singapore and Indonisia (for indoor comfort) : thermal sensations of human subjects were recorded under different conditions of temperature, air speed and
Givoni B., Khedari J., Wong NH, Feriadi H.
The cold air distribution system using ice thermal storage creates easily a low humidity environment whereas the system using a fluctuating breeze creates the feeling of coolness by actively generating airflow (an intermittent breeze) over the hu
Nakamura H., Ibamoto T., Nakayama K.
This paper gives the description of two ways of modelling an office building.
Hoseggen R., Mathisen HM, Hanssen SO
A new formula is proposed for expressing a whole body thermal comfort , in a siiting posture, in a non-uniform thermal environment.
Sakoi T., Tsuzuki K., Kato S., Ooka R., Song D., Zhu S.
This paper offers reference data for the study and design of tall residential buildings with atrium in cold winter and hot summers areas. A questionnaire survey was carried out by the authors, their analysis and results are presented.
Cui YH, Li NP, Deng QL, Zhu KM, Guan J.
This paper compares different ways to reach a spatial temperature distribution inside living and working spaces for industrial or technological use such as drying and conditioning chambers, sterilizers etc.
Novak D., Pavelek M.
Through a simulation study, thermal comfort of occupants and indoor air relative humidity in an office have been assessed.
Hindoliya DA, Mullick SC
This paper focused on the evaluation of thermal comfort in 1,000 ton patrol vessel using PMV (predicted maean vote) and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied).
Jang MS, Koh CD, Moon IS, Kim SH
A dynamic airflow compared with a steady airflow seems to intensify people's cold sensation .
Lin G, Zhou X, Zhu Y.
For that study both natural and mechanical wind dynamic characteristics were studied through a mass of experiments in different built environments. For the measurement of the fluctuating velocity of airflow a hot wire anemometer was used.
Ouyang Q., Li HJ, Dai W., Chen XC, Zhu YX
Airflow has an effect on human thermal sensation but the turbulence intensity is another important factor that is studied in this paper.
Zhu YX, Lin GJ, Zhou X.
The influence of cold air distribution on indoor heat environment was studied in this paper.
Li R., Yuan DZ, Xu YQ
Human perception of air movement depends , on the one hand , on personal factors such as overall thermal sensation and activity level and on the second hand, on environmental factors including air velocity, air velocity fluctuations and air tempe
Toftum J.
A field study was conducted in Shangaï, China in 200 and 2001 on thermal comfort in non-air-conditioned buildings. Around 1800 office workers answered a questionnaire , and measurements were made simultaneously.
Ji XL, Dai ZZ.
1 group of 25 persons performed simulated office work for 2 hours in poor environmental conditions with overhead fluorescent lighting, traffic noise, hot temperature, supply air polluted, almost no daylight, and open office noise.The cost to impro
Clausen G., Wyon DP
This article explains the requirements of the new European EN 13779 standard (ventilation for non-residential buildings : Performance requirements for ventilation and room air-conditioning systems) compared to the requirements of the previous Germ
Finke U., Zeidler O., Fitzner K.
