
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this paper, the vertical and horizontal spreading rates of CJV (confluent jet ventilation) over the floor are investigated using CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulations.
Cho Y., Awbi HB., Karimipanah T.
The indoor thermal environment and energy consumption of large spaces with sidewall openings and top openings has been investigated for that study. A numerical simulation and site measurements were carried out.
Wang X., Huang C.
The purpose of the research at the first stage was to find out whether the new ventilation mode - stratum ventilation - is feasible. The system uses a large supply inlets located at the side of a room.
Lin Z., Chow TT, Tsang CF
The FANROOMLESS ventilation system for underground parking lot presents several unique characteristics. First, this system can reduce initial construction cost and uses the spaces moreeffectively by optimization of the ventilation facilities.
Rhee EK., Yi SH.
This paper uses a CFD tool to study indoor air quality in a typical chemical laboratory.
Zhai JZ
A new zoning approach is developed in this paper.
Song F., Zhao B., Yang X., Jiang Y., Gopal V., Dobbs G.
For that study, IAQ was measured and evaluated in seven representative hotels in Beijing.
Huang Z., Kang F., Yang J., Zhu J., Lu Y., Fan X.
The present study determines the particle decay and deposition rates under natural, forced ventilation and no ventilation conditions.
Gangamma S., Suresh KV, Rashmi SP, Virendra S.
The paper explores whether replacing old windows, in a significant proportion of UK dwellings, could reduce air change rates below recommended levels unless additional controllable ventilation is installed at the same time as new windows.For that
Davies M., Mumovic D., Ridley I., Oreszczyn T.
Experiments were conducted in the mockup of a Boeing aircraft cabin section located in the BESS(Bioenvironmental Engineering Structure Systems) lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Wang A, Zhnag Y, Sun Y, Wang X.
Increasing ventilation rates do not always improve IAQ, but proper ventilation strategies are the keys to improve it.
Luo Q., Tang G., Huang W.
In Korea, almost all flats have the structure of concrete that is cast in forms and ties are used tofix forms. Tie holes are usually filled with cement mortar.
Jo WJ., Cheon JY, Hwang KB, Lee YJ, Yoon DW.
This paper investigates the feasibility of reducing the outdoor air ventilation requirements by selectinglow-emission materials, while still maintaining acceptable IAQ, for a residential building.
Mittal A., Sharma M., Mandal A.
In this paper, applied the SARS particle thresholds, the distribution of SARS virus particles in rooms with three different ventilation types and two different virus source locations are compared.
Chen J., Zhao B., Jiang Y.
Tracer gases and its monitoring method were studied in measurement of ventilation rate by use ofconcentration-decay method.
Hori M., Soma M., Mizoguchi T.
In this emergency ventilation investigation, the aim of ventilation is to minimize the influence of contaminative gas upon the occupants.A two-dimensional Cellular Automata model is used to calculate the occupants developing distribution during a
Chen X., Zhao B., Li X.
A well adjusted ventilation is useful to save heating energy with regard to hygienic aspects or aspects of building materials maintenance.For that study, a simple device was developed with the VVGD, it aims at helping housing users to perform a s
Weis N., Siemers U., Kopiske G.
Few studies have addressed the issue of how to make improvements to avoid Taiwanese housewives exposing to excessive quantities of air pollutants when cooking.
Lai C., Lin Y., Chinag C.
This paper considers regulations and standards and compare them about their requirements in ventilation flow rates and IAQ.
Halvarsson J., Hanssen SO, Mathisen HM.
The aim of this paper was to study the effect of duct cleaning on the perceived air quality. Duct cleaning was carried out in 10 non-problem Finnish office buildings between 1997 and 2000.
Kolari S., Heillilä-Kallio U., Luoma M., Pasanen P., Korhonen P., Nykyri E., Reijula K.
