
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper discusses the result of a field study undertaken in two phases to evaluate and define the role of various filter efficiencies in attaining and sustaining clean HVAC components and distribution systems.
Burroughs H.E.B.
Under contract with the ASHRAE, RTI conducted an interlaboratory study (ILS) ofANSI/ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999.
Hanley J.T., Elion J.M.
The article compares the energy consumption linked to different ventilation systems of an office room (22 m2, 3 m high, occupied by 2 persons from 8 a.m to 6 p.m, internal heat source 15 W/m2).
B. Cody
This paper presents the results of tests carried out on 7 different air cleaners : one with HEPA filter and the 6 others are ionizer models . The air cleaners efficiency against dust, smoke, pollen, emitted noise and emitted ozone was evaluated.
This paper highlights some of the results of ECA report n° 23 that aimed at providing information and advice on strategies for achieving a good balance between good IAQ and the rational use of energy in buildings.
Wouters P., Delmotte C.
That study gives a snapshot of ventilation and IAQ in a small sample of a range of types of new homes built in England since 1995 .
Crump D., Dimitroulopoulou S., Squire R., Ross D., Pierce B., White M., Brown V, Coward S.
This paper describes a series of laboratory simulation experiments that provide evidence of the very considerable benefits of providing good indoor air quality - whether it is achieved by careful selection of building, furnishing materials and off
Wyon D.P.
Until recently the health community lacked a coherent, and compehensive dataset describing the extent and distribution of ill-health.Thanks to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) database, updated yearly since 1996, a broad set of additional analys
Smith K.R.
In order to develop effective enclosure design, to set achievable performance requirements and to verify compliance in construction, it is necessary to understand air barriers in so far their use is one of the key strategies in the control of airf
Lstiburek J.W.
The aim of that experimental and modelling study is to determine the impact of different ventilation strategies on indoor particle concentration.
Bouilly J., Limam K., Beghein C., Allard F.
To assess the effectiveness of a new generation of three high volume, ceiling-mounted , high efficiency particulate air (HEPA -ultraviolet (UV) air filters (HUVAFs) for the removal or inactivation of bacterial aerosol was the aim of that study
Kujundzic E., Zander D.A., Hernandez M., Angenent L.T., Henderson D.E., Miller S.L.
A field study was undertaken to evaluate and define the role of different filter efficiencies in attaining and sustaining clean HVAC componenets and distribution systems. The results of that fiels study are discussed in that article.
Burroughs H.E.B.
The overburden removal and mining process can be extremely dusty and therefore cause excessive dust exposure.
cecala A.B., Organiscak J.A., Zimmer J.A., Heitbrink A., Moyer E.S., Schmitz M., Ahrenholtz E., Coppck C.C., Andrews E.H.
Indoor air quality directly impacts the health of patients and hospital staff. In-room air purifiers in supplement to existing air ducts and vents, appear to be a wise investment.
Wennerstrom J., Rittri B.
The development of a low order model is outlined in this paper, it can be used for control purposes , and for the quantification of ventilation performance in ventilated systems.
Zerihun Destaa T.,Van Buggenhouta S., Van Brechta A., Meyersb J., Aertsa J.M., Baelmansb M., Berckmansa D.
A two-stage method is described in this paper. Its aim is to perform parametric and analytic studies of natural ventilation for summer cooling.
Yao R., Steemers K, Baker N.
In the airtightness testing industry, the upper limit for large buildings to be tested was 5000 m2.
Sharples S, Closs S. Chilengwe N.
That paper shows how a top-down precooled natural ventilation can be an effective and energy efficient technique for providing thermal and ventilation comfort in a wide range of modern buildings during high summer or in warm climates, when used pr
Chenvidyakarn T., Woods A.
This study is part of an ongoing investigation concerning an innovative technology for whole house ventilation.
McEvoy ME, Southall R.
