
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper presents an experimental study with numerical predictions of airflow and temperature characteristics.
Wan M.P., Chao C.Y.
Experimental measurements and CFD simulations were carried out to study the contaminant dispersion in a ventilated room with an area source release.
He G., Yang X., Srebric J.
In order to evaluate the impact of potential interventions on indoor contaminant concentrations and occupant exposures, a simulation study was conducted using the multi-zone IAQ model CONTAM.This paper describes the building model and eight inter
Emmerich SJ, Howard-Reed C.
This project brought together, during a two-day meeting, six experienced IEQ investigators with decades of combined problem-solving experience in thousands of buildings.
Mendell MJ., Brennan T., Hathon L., Odom JD., Offerman FJ., Turk BH., Wallingford KM., Diamond RC., Fisk WJ.
The air contamination has become a problem in Japanese classrooms. The indoor measurement of Formaldehyde and VOC has become compulsory according to the law.
Yanai S., Okabe H., Okamoto S., Muramatsu S.
This paper presents the first design code for sports buildings in China : it includes an important chapter on indoor air environment dealing with indoor air velocity, temperature, humidity and fresh air volume.This code could be a guide for the d
Ma X., Cao Y.
A downward ventilation system has been proposed as a standard ventilation design by Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) in Hong Kong for isolation rooms.
Li Y., Qian H., Nielsen PV.,Hyldgaard CE.
In 2003, a SARS negative pressure isolation ward was built in Beijing to isolate patients. According to it, the authors carried out a numerical simulation and validated the experiment to optimize the indoor air distribution for it.
Qi J., Feng X., Liu J.
The transmission paths of infectious diseases remained a myth up to now.Our hypothesis is that, on windless days, the outflow from a window on the lower floor of a building will re-enter the immediate upper floor, and therefore bring the droplet a
Niu J., Tung C., Wan J., Cheng J.
Sick Building Syndrome or Sick House Syndrome (SBS/SHS) has become a serious problem in Japanese daily life.This survey was conducted in 53 houses in Miyagi prefecture during four summer seasons from 2000 to 2003 to understand the states of indoo
Netsu K., Yoshino H., Ikeda K., Nozaki A., Kakuta K., Hojo S., Ishikawa S.
The aim of this study was to investigate if work-related symptoms (Sick Building Syndrome SBS), assessed by a standardized questionnaire, could be related to the concentration of the main indoor pollutants, in office workers of a sealed building i
Boechat JL, Rios JL, freitas T., Santos CY, Lapa SJR, Aquino NFR
The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of work-related symptoms, accessed by a standardized questionnaire, of full-time workers from a sealed building, with HVAC system, in comparison with a naturally ventilated building in Rio de J
Boechat JL, Rios JL, Freitas T, Santos CY, Lapa SJR, Aquino NFR
The purpose of the present investigation was to study the indoor climate and the psychosocial work environment in different office environments.A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was performed in 11 naturally and 11 mechanically ventilated off
Pejtersen J., Allermann L., Kristensen TS, Poulsen OM
Interdisciplinary research was based on simultaneous measurement of thermal environment and air quality, along with the survey of employees during their normal working activity.
Muhic S., Butala V.
This paper presents the requirements of the new European standard EN 13779 (2005) that replaced the German standard DIN 1946 Part 2 (1994).
Finke U., Zeidler O., Fitzner K.
This paper gives as a posthumous tribute to Walter Dittes, a summary of his thesis prepared at the University of Stuttgart (Germany) .It describes the various air diffusion patterns that can be used (mixing ventilation, displacement ventilation
Bach H.
Based on the advanced BIN-method, the annual energy use and the influence factors in an office building in NANJING are analyzed and presented in this paper.Under the climatic condition encountered in NANJING area, energy consumption of air-condit
Du Y., Cheng B., Jia D., Mao J., Yuan Y.
This paper gives a summary of a detailed CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) of the flow around a a Computer Simulated Person (CSP) for the purpose of its validation.
Sideroff CN, Dang TQ
In this paper the relationship between air-conditioning energy consumption and the proportion of non-satisfied people in commercial buildings located in Changsha (Hunan Province) is analyzed.
Yang C., Wu X., Li W., Dai X., Li N., Dai X .
A technique used for the analysis of the contaminant transport in the wake of a bluff body is tested under controlled experimental conditions for application to aerosol transport in a complex furnished room.
Richmond-Bryant J., Eisner A.D., Brixey L.A., Wiener R.W.
