
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Some research indicate that people spend nearly 90 % of their time indoors. The scientific evidence indicates that the air within homes and other buildings can be more polluted that the outdoor air, even in industrialized cities.
Kalaiselvam S., Robin JR, Jose S., Iniyan S., Anand AS
The quality of indoor air and health effects were investigated first in 1992 and then in 2003, in 3 Swedish dental clinics located in different part of the town of Uppsala. Material and methods were studied . Health effects were recorded.
Anundi H.
Top Hung windows are typical and popular in North China. Measures in classrooms of Tianjin University equipped with such windows have been made.
Sun L., Zhu M., Li T.
A field study was carried out in a cold area market building. The IAQ and various kinds of factors that influence IAQ and human body 's thermal comfort were analyzed. In parallel the personnel was investigated through questionnaire.
Cao GY, Feng GH, Hu YJ, Chen XD, Li GJ
The aim of negative pressure control in an isolation room is to control the airflow so as to control the movement of airborne infectious particles.
Ji YZ, Tu GB
To face infection in hospitals, the control of the concentration of bacteria in patient rooms is necessary. For that study, computation and experiment were carried out in a real hospital isolation room.
Huang J.M, Tsao S.H.
For that study, experiments are conducted to develop a new breathing ventilator using the concept of alternating-current (AC) ventilation. That ventilator is composed of a reversible fan and a thermal storage medium.
Han H., Kwon YI.
Filter performance of two new systems of simple respirators are investigated in this paper : a new method is used to quantify the real value of face seal leakage.
Yang L., Shen HG
The ventilation potential of buildings is widely affected by the building location, wind direction, space between buildings : so when high-rise buildings are too close, the influence of adjacent buildings on the availability of cross-ventilation h
Jie Yang, Yik Francis, Xu Zhang, Bojic Milorad
Personalized ventilation (PV) aims at improving ventilation in the immediate breathing zones of occupants in the built environment.
Sekhar S.C, Gong N., Tham K.W., Cheong K.W.
In this paper, the numerical methods are first validated by experiments, then a seated computational thermal manikin (CTM) is used to carry out the parameters study of Personalized Ventilation .The modeling outcome shows that in a stagnant envi
Naiping Gao, Jianlei Niu
For that field study, measurements of different aspects of an UFAD (UnderFloor Air Distribution) system performance were made in an office building. The results show evidence of the benefits provided by UFAD on indoor air quality.
Fisk W., Faulkner D., Sullivan D., Chao C., Wan MP, Zagreus L., Bebster T.
The vortex ventilator (VV) is a new concept of local exhaust ventilation system.
Lee SM, Lee JW
For the investigation of the personalized ventilation efficiency and the study of human exposure in a displacement and mixing ventilated room, a seated computational thermal manikin with the geometry of a real human body has been used.
Gao NP, Niu JL
To protect the workers from stress with radiation heat in workshops, a study of the environment thermal state has been carried out.
Janotkova E., Pavelek M.
Urgently, bio-hazardous air cleaners had been developed in Taiwan hospital to control the Severe Acute Respirator Syndrome (SARS).The building up and the fuming gas decontamination of bio-hazardous air cleaners are illustrated in this paper along
Loong HT, Wan MJ
This paper discusses how to calculate the LCC (life cycle cost) for different indoor climate systems in typical Swedish buildings in the aim to help the client in choosing the most appropriate indoor climate system in a certain situation.
Johansson D.
This paper focuses on the methods for an efficient use of upper openings in large space buildings in Shanghai International Gymnastics Stadium.
Huang C., Liu S., Huang WG
The distributions of air velocity, temperature and humidity are affected by the types and shapes of diffusers for supply air in an occupied zone. So it is important to select proper diffusers in the design procedure of the HVAC systems.
Kang SY, Cho YJ, Yoo HS, Lee JH
In California, the relocatable classrooms are typically under ventilated : such conditions affect the quality education and the student health.
Apte MG, Faulkner D., Fisk WJ, Hodgson AT, Hotchi T., Lai CM, Spears M., Sullivan DP, Wang D.
