
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a high school classroom in Tianjin, China.was studied in order to provide the students a more comfortable environment.
Li Y., Liu J.
For that study, a field survey was carried out in a natural ventilation building in Zhenjiang to analyze the relation between indoor environment, thermal comfort and productivity.
Ye XJ, Lian ZW, Zhou ZP, Li CZ, Liu YM
This paper gives a sum up of the results of performance testing in an IEQ (indoor environment quality) chamber built in Shanghai Research Institute of Building Science (SRIBS).
Li JG, Han JH, Fang L., Yang JR, Ye JJ.
For that study, a workstation simulating a typical office desk with desktop-based TAC system was established in a Controlled Environment Chamber.
Zhang JY, Duanmu L., Shu HW, Wang ZS
This paper deals with the velocity of the airflow around human body from the outlet of the desktop personal air-conditioning.
Li WT, Duanmu L., Shu HW, Wang ZS
Pressure coefficients are considered vital components for the calculation of airflow through opening in building.The experimental investigation consisted of a square wind catcher connected to a model test room.
Elmualim AA
The investigation and analysis of indoor environment condition of high and middle grade office building is presented in this paper, along with the results
Pei QQ, ZhouZP, You XH
For that study, indoor air pollutants including CO2, CO, MP10, PM2.5 and volatile compounds were measured in four hot spring hotels, (the results are presented.
He QS, Wang XM, Zhao LR, Song G., Sheng GY, Fu JM
Recently, the Indoor Air Quality Management Act came into effect in Korea., in order to limit formaldehyde and VOCs concentration levels in new buildings.
Kim SS., Kang DH, Choi DH, Yeo MS, Kim KW
This paper describes an investigation of the indoor environment in Dutch daycare centers. Air temperature and CO2 levels measurements were made during summer and winter in 14 centers.. Results and recommendations are presented.
Haans L., Boerstra AC
For that study field VOC measurements were conducted in 20 natioanl hospitals in Japan. Passive samplers were used. Results are presented .
Shiotsu M., Ikeda K., Yanagi U., Matsumura T.
Korean gouvernment supports researches to improve indoor air pollution.
Kim H., Tabuchi S., Tanabe S.
The population epidemic investigation method was used for that study in order to investigate the relationship between human uncomfortable feeling symptoms and indoor air conditioning thermal environment. Results are presented.
Shang Q, Dai ZZ, Bei PL, Pan YX, Zhu XL, Liu Y., Tan LL, Zhang Q, Gan YX
Air conditioning in passenger car is an important part of the modern train technology. The induction unit (IDU) - the terminal equipment of induced draft system - is studied in this paper.
Liu GD, Pei NQ, Cao ZK, Hu ST
In order to improve the climate in the atrium of a school building, CFD techniques have been applied. The current simulation has been simulated and appears to be in adequation with onsite measurements.
Yu B, Bout LM, Ruchti JP
For centuries, in Iceland, mineral based turf has been used as a buildng material.That use may have an effect on the prevalence of infectious diseases for the occupants.
Hoof JV, Dijken FV
That study aimed at evaluating the air distribution in three big , air-conditioned Chinese markets, with floor area varying from 3890 to 5760 m2.
Hu PF, Jiang ZN, Lei F., Cai F.
A full scale chamber of 57.9 m3 was built for that study, in order to establish the standard model available in the domestic experiments. Internal ventilation was available through the HVAC system.
Lee JK, Han SW, Park JS, Baik YK, Sohn JY
The authors investigated several homes in huge chinese cities, during one year.The comparison of data made in newly fitted homes and in homes fitted for more than 3 years revealed that indoor air pollution was very serious in the second ones.
Liu JL, Zhang GQ, Li ZS, Hao JH, Lin JP, Liu YH
This paper puts emphasis on the analysis of air mass flux on natural ventilation in tiered-seating classrooms.Some suggestions are proposed about architectural desing of teaching buildings that may improve the natural ventilation.
Kalaiselvam S., Robin JR, Jose S., Iniyan S., Anand AS
