
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In this paper the concentration of CO2 is taken as an index of personnel contamination and the concentration of TVOC as an index of building contamination, which meets the needs of energy saving and indoor air quality improvement through air con
Jia D., Shi Q., Hu L.
The aim of the project described in this paper is to investigate the effect of indoor air quality and ventilation rates on pupils’ performance and health using psychological tests on the one hand and to recommend suitable ventilation rates for cl
Clements-Croome DJ., Awbi HB., Williams M.
For that study passive tracer gas measurements of ventilation were performed in a single-family house and in a flat in Stockholm during four consecutive winter seasons The correlation between ACH and indoor-outside temperature difference is analy
Stymne H., Emenius G., Boman CA.
In this paper, an experimental setup .has been used to investigate the indoor environment in the classroom using confluent jet ventilation .
Karimipanah T., Awbi HB, Blomqvist C., Sandberg M.
The Danish Building Research Institute has initiated a 3-phased research programme whose aim is to develop energy-efficient ventilation strategies to provide a healthy and a comfortable indoor climate and to reduce energy consumption .
Afshari A., Bergsoe NC
The performance of the ventilation system in a large welding working place was evaluated for that study.
Moon J., Lee T., Lee J., Choi C.
A limited number of studies on the effectiveness of prevention and remediation of IAQ problems in homes were identified.
Angell WJ, Grimsrud DT, Lee H.
Air filters used in general ventilation are tested in laboratory according to EN 779 standard which has been revised in 2002.The objective of the tests described in EN 779 Annex A is to determine if the efficiency of the filter material is based o
Ginestet A., Pugnet D.
Health and comfort performance criteria for buildings have been defined.
Maroni M., Carrer P., Cavallo D., Della Torre M., Peruzzo C., Aizlewood C., Fernandes EO, Roulet C.A., Cox C.
This paper describes some of the principles applied in the CEN standard "Criteria for the indoor environment including thermal environment, indoor air quality (ventilation), light and noise'.
Seppanen O., Olesen B., Boerstra A.
In the present study, the horizontal pivot window is replaced by horizontal louvers.A numerical method (CFD) was used to simulate ventilation performance of different louvers depths as well as different wind speed.
Chiang CM, Chen NT, Chou PC, Li YY, Lien IC
This paper sums up the current results of the IAQ characteristics in 104 child care centers (CCC) , using 4 different ventilation strategies.The corresponding respiratory health symptoms of attending children with their frequency and prevalence
Zuraimi MS., Tham KW. Chew FT, Ooi PL
This paper sums up a detailed (CFD) study of the flow around a Computer Simulated Person (CSP) in a displacement ventilated room.
Sideroff CN., Dang TQ
This paper deals with estimated ventilation rates and symptoms in office workers. For that base study the authors used the U.S. EPA data from 100 large U.S.
Mendell MJ., Lei Q., Apte M., Fisk WJ
With the analysis of the U.S. EPA BASE data from 100 U.S. office buildings, the authors made associations between moisture and ventilation system contamination with lower respiratory and mucous membrane symptoms .
Mendell MJ., Cozen M., Lei Q., Brightman HS., Erdmann CA, Girman JR., Womble SE.
By means of a comparative study of thermal confort methods for a Brazilian reality using among many others authors Voght and Miller Chagas, Givoni, Fanger-Ashrae, Mahoney, Humphreys, Olgyay, methods, this undergoing study tries to show their part
Mendonça de Moraes C., LR da Fonseca R., Tribess A., Montanar franco I.
Thirteen parts of human body’s perspiration in hot and humid environment in summer in Chongqing, located in southwest China, has been tested in the laboratory.
Baizhan Li, Jing Wu, Jie Zheng, Runming Yao
A mathematical model was constructed to simulate time dependent particle concentration inindoor air and to evaluate the exposure of occupants.
Holopainen R., Vuolle M., Pasanen P., Hämeri K., Taipale A.,Kulmala I., Vartiainen E., Hautamäki M., Björkroth M., Jokisalo J., Voutilainen A., Kurnitski J., Seppänen O.
In Finland eight office buildings were investigated as a part of European project HOPE..There were four office buildings with mechanical supply and exhaust air ventilation systemfrom 1970 and 80 without cooling system.
Palonen J., Kurnitski J.,Seppänen O.
The methods of tracer gas measurement are just well known in the fields of scientific and research.
Ruppert A., Kolarik F.
