
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

Access to the publications is free of charge.

The protection of non-smokers against tobacco smoke is a very popular subject. In Japan,the health promotion law was passed in 2002.
Ogasawara T, Kondo Y.
The ozone (O3) has become an interesting atmospheric pollutant due to the complexity of thetransfer phenomenon to the indoor environment.
Ghiaus C., Blondeau P., Allard F.
The development of good solutions for the zone separation problem-smoker/non-smoker“-in the same room is possible, and is proven by realized cases.
Schaelin A.
This paper covers the cost and benefit issues of a full dual path system to all control zones, including a case study office building in Lincoln, Nebraska. The system has one path that delivers outside air to all control zones.
Dorgan C.E., Logan D., Deshmukh A.
The objective of the project was to design an HVAC system for a lithium battery manufacturing facility in Minnesota, USA. The system was to be designed for a 7544 sq. ft.
Gupta R.
For many commercial and industrial plants, maintaining required ventilation rates can result in significant operating costs. Fortunately, passive (i.e.
Wurm J., Czarchorski M., Hemzal K.
The paper is devoted to the trial implementation of two different types of hybrid ventilation systems in dwelling buildings done in the scope of the EU LIFE Programme supported project ECOVENT.Recent changes in Latvian Building Codes require highe
Kreslin A., Belindzeva-Korkla O. , Dzelzitis E.
Experience shows that there are differences between the design and the real load of ventilation systems. Consequently, the fresh air demand usually varies over a wide range during operation.
Gyöngyike O. Timar
Within the European research project HOPE, 64 office buildings were audited regarding in-door environment quality and building characteristics.
Roulet C.A., Johner N., Foradini F., Oostra B.
As part of the European research project HOPE (Health Optimisation Protocol of Energy efficient buildings), a comparison is made of the indoor environment in office buildings perceived as either healthy or less healthy.
Cox C., Knudsen H.N., Koren W., Aizlewood C., Dimitroulopoulou S., Ventura Silva G.
Efforts to develop an international standard in the area of Building Environmental Design started in 1994 under the auspices of ISO TC 205.
Vyavaharkar D., Bernard A.M
The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre is operated under Annex V of the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems implementing agreement of the International Energy Agency.
Wouters P., Sherman M.
This study reports generally low actual air change rates in Finnish houses.
Kurnitski J., Eskola L., Palonen J.
We present the experimental and numerical study of a plume developed above a heat source both in a stratified and non-stratified medium.
Fontaine J.R., Devienne R., Rose S.
The objective of the paper is to compare central and decentralized air-handling units with regard to costs and suitability.
Mathisen H.M., Halvarsson J., Wachenfeldt B.J., Hanssen S.O., Berner M.
Positive building pressure with respect to outdoors has been shown to be a positive step to reduce the likelihood of wall moisture problems in hot, humid climates.
Nelson N.
Fresh air is one of the most important affecting factors for air conditioning system. On one hand, it contributes to good indoor air quality (IAQ). On the other hand, it partly determines the energy consumption of air conditioning system.
Hongbing Chen, Deying Li, Zongyi Shao, Guangbei Tu
Indoor Air Quality represents a very ambitious challenge in developed countries. As already shown in previous studies, four phenomena are influencing the air pollution level indoors.
Damian A., Blondeau P., Allard F.
The European Energy Performance in Building Directive (EPBD) requires methods for the calculation of the energy performance for use in the context of building regulations.The European Commission has supplied a Mandate (M343,2004) to CEN to develop
Dick van Dijk
