
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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For that study, surveys were first performed to study the relationship between indoor temperature and air conditioner On control. Then, a control behavior model including cross ventilation, based on the survey results was devised.
Habara H., Narumi D., Shimoda Y., Mizuno M.
This paper presents a numerical method for the study of cross-ventilation with respect to the use of local dynamic similarity model.
Hu C., Kurabuchi T., Ohba M.
For that study, a mathematical analysis is applied graphically and quantitatively to investigate the multiple steady state behavior of combined buoyancy and wind driven natural ventilation system.The necessary conditions for that multiple steady
Yuan J., Glicksman L.
A numerical simulation and experimental measures were made on a prototype specially built for that study of a new system of air distribution inside an hospital railway coach.For the air injection into the carriage, high-induction terminal, in part
Grignaffini S., Vallati A.
In this paper, a theoretical analysis is performed to analyze the effective air exchange rate by fluctuating flow for natural ventilation. A simple model is proposed for the analysis.
Zha B., Ouyang Q., Jiang Y.
The authors have tested a combined system of chilled ceiling, displacement ventilation and dessicant dehumidification. Each part is analyzed with its advantages and shortcomings.
Hao XL., Zhnag GQ., Chen YM., Zou SH
That study aims at improving thermal comfort in the carriage of a new developed high-speed train. To figure out the air distribution pattern a CFD method is used and a prototype experiment validates the method.
Wang G., Hu S., Xing X.
A good performance of air diffuser is essential for an efficient ventilation and thermal comfort.
Zhang H., Liu L., You SJ.
This paper presents a numerical method to predict the actual cooling load provided by the underfloor air distribution system (UFAD), therefore the energy consumption can be achieved.
Xu HT, Niu JL
This paper demonstrates the potential of using CFD for modelling buoyancy-driven displacement ventilation in complex building structures and also the accuracy that can be expected from that use.
Ji Y., Cook MJ
For that study, four ventilation strategies have been evaluated in a typical bedroom in a residential building in Singapore : night-time ventilation only, daytime ventilation only, full day ventilation and no ventilation.
Wang LP, Wong NH
Axial fan ventilation system has been investigated in an automative parts factory, during summer. 54 axial were installed on ceiling.
Lee TG, Moon JH, Moon JS, Lee JH.
This paper presents a summary based on 3 articles published in 2005 by the authors about the quantitative influence of indoor climate on productivity.Illness or sick leave prevalence vs.
Seppanen O., Fisk J.
General information about legionella and legionellosis are first given.
Messineo A., Panno D, Mazzucco W.
The conflict between the quality of subway environment and energy consumption is becoming more and more serious.
Zhu PG, Zhu YX, Li XF
For that study, the performance of an hybrid ventilation system with a pressure difference sensor in the central exhaust duct has been evaluated through the field measurement.
Yun S., Yoshino H., Hayashi M., Yamada H., Takati R.
The objective of the present investigation is to study the potential for both the under-floor displacement and personalized ventilation systems to improve air quality in commercial aircraft cabins.FLUENT was used to simulate airflow in a section o
Zhang T., Chen Q.
The laboratory environment may generate harmful chemical gases, vapors, particulates and biological agents, those substances must be continuously removed from the laboratory.
Sandru E., Ouyang X.
The aim of this research was to acquire a method to select the optimal gas range hood through the performance test under KS (Korean standards) or pr EN (european) codes.
Song JW, Kang K., Kim TH
In this paper a new method for ventilation measurement using an OP-FTIR (Open Path Fourier Tansform Infrared Spectroscopy) is proposed.
Kumagai K., Kurabuchi T., Noguchi M., Endo T., Hirano T., Kanako D., Hara S., Yanagisawa Y.
