
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The present paper describes a process for designing and applying several techniques based on bioclimatic architecture criteria and energy conservation principles in order to improve the microclimate in an outdoor space located in the greater Athen
N. Gaitani, M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou
This document focuses on the building envelope of office spaces in the UK climate. Analyses a case study typical office to explore strategies and design solutions for thermal and daylight comfort and energy savings.
I. Gallou, E. Chatzigeorgiou
This paper’s aim is to present a building design case study in a Mediterranean urban environment using as main assessment tool, a comparative dynamic thermal and daylight computer simulation.
A. Gavalas
The microclimate and dispersion in urban street canyons has become a subject of intense scientific research in recent years since complex flow patterns evolve leading many times to bad comfort conditions for the pedestrians and the habitants.
C. Georgakis, M. Santamouris
A method is proposed to assess the natural ventilation potential by taking into account the most comprehensive set of factors involved in natural ventilation.
M. Germano, C.-A. Roulet
This paper is a synopsis of the results of a research on form of wind towers. Wind tower is an architectural element in traditional architecture of Iran. It can be seen in cities with hot-dry and hot-humid climates.
P.S. Ghaemmaghami, M. Mahmoudi
The architectural decisions for building that use natural ventilation should be taken in the initial stages of design when little information is available.
C. Ghiaus, F. Allard, M. Santamouris, C. Georgakis, C.-A. Roulet, M. Germano, F. Tillenkamp, N. Heijmans, F. Nicol, E. Maldonado, M. Almeida, G. Gaurracino, L. Roche
Two approaches have been tested for cooling oil in a given location to temperatures well below the "normal" temperatures in that location. The first approach has been tested in Sde Boqer Campus, in the Israeli Negev desert.
B. Givoni
This paper presents some results of the research project "Domestic Violence and Architectural Space", sponsored by several Mexican Governmental Offices and Citizen Organizations.
G. Gomez-Azpeitia, A. Alcántara, P. Barragán, B. Givoni
In order to perform detailed evaluation on the applicability of local dynamic similarity concept, which is described in Part 1, wind tunnel experiment was conducted under some conditions where the opening positions and the arrangement of buildings
T. Goto, M. Ohba, T. Kurabuchi, T. Endo, T. Otsuki, Y. Akamine
The objective of this paper is to show the importance of the solar passive design principles in Antonio Gaudi’s Architectural Work from the analysis of one of his domestic buildings constructed in Barcelona in the turn of the XX century: The Batll
E. Usón Guardiola, E. Cunill de la Puente
The performance of natural, mechanical and hybrid ventilation systems was monitored, using the tracer gas decay method, in three typical apartment buildings located in two street canyons, during summer period 2002 in Athens.
K. Niachou, M. Santamouris, S. Hassid
A number of studies have examined the potential of using natural ventilation as a passive cooling system and comfort under warm conditions. Tanabe and Karma (1994) conducted an experimental work at 50% RH under different level of air speed.
S. Heidari
The issue of this paper is to present theoretical results for a solar chimney with thermal mass, where the glass surface is replaced by photovoltaic (PV) modules.
J. Martí-Herrero, M.R. Heras-Celemin
The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential of two inertial ventilation techniques (buried pipes and thermal phase-shifting) for passive cooling of buildings in Brazilian climates.
P. Hollmuller, R. Lamberts, F. Westphal, M. Ordenes, J. Carlo
The potential for error when using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for investigating internal building airflows continues to be a critical issue in building simulation analysis.
J.M. Horan, D.P. Finn
The application of Environmental Design principles can substantially contribute in energy conserving in residential areas.
P. Kosmopoulos, Th. Ioannou
In Part 1, it is described that, in overall judgment, the reproduction accuracy is improved when computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is performed using RNG model and the modified model incorporating Durbins limiter (? = 0.65).
M. Ishii, T. Kurabuchi, T. Endo, E. Maruta, T. Sawachi
Post-war housing policies had always been one of major drive of improving social welfare and the economic growth of Japan through building industry.
K. Iwamura
CLEAR [1] is a web-based interactive teaching package on low energy architecture and human comfort.
A. Jacobs, F. Nicol, M. Wilson, J. Solomon
