
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A large number of design guidelines and tools are available for the design of passive cooling systems.
J. Pfafferott, S. Herkel
China is rightly regarded as a country in which progress on developing sustainable and low energy solutions for building design is essential.
A. Pitts, B. Chen
Achieving good building energy performance has been a major challenge in architecture but has intensified over the past twenty years.
E. Primikiri, M. Kokkolaras, P. Papalambros
As dry assembled multi-layered walls very often suffer overheating in hot climates because of their low thermal inertia, the appropriate use of Phase Change Materials (PCM) inside the same walls can increase their thermal mass before they reach hi
P. Principi, C. Di Perna, G. Borrelli, A. Carbonari
This paper challenges the conception that comfort can exist only w/in strict parameters, should be achieved w/o inhabitant interaction, and cannot be achieved w/o mechanical means.
A. Rivera
The use of centralized air-conditioning systems in buildings with fixed windows is becoming an increasingly high-risk strategy in buildings for a number of reasons.
S. Roaf
The energy consumption matter for the building sector has come up again urgently looking for standards, measures, policies and best practices.
G.K. Rouni
A low energy technique for heat removal from the interior of a building under summer conditions is the employ of natural ventilation. There are several ways to promote this ventilation.
Á. Ruiz, J.M. Salmerón, F. Sánchez, R. González, S. Álvarez
The building sector represents a great percentage of the total consumption of energy of a country, and of this, most is due to the existing buildings.
J.M. Salmerón, F. Sánchez, Á. Ruiz, R. González, S. Álvarez
A well-known parameter in the calculation of solar gains for the heating requirements is the utilization factor concept.
F. Sánchez, J.M. Salmerón, Á. Ruiz, R. González, S. Álvarez
Heat island is a very well documented climatic phenomenon that has an important energy and environmental impact in the urban environment.
M. Santamouris, K. Paraponiaris, G. Mihalakakou
Sunlight is necessary for life. Managing sunlight is necessary to achieve a level of comfort for living. Radiation transfer through glazing has an impact on costs for heating, cooling and lighting in a building and on environment.
G. Savineau
This project is intended to supply information to architects and engineers throughout Europe to support the Energy Directive on Buildings through providing design and engineering details of high quality, low energy consumption public buildings thr
J. Schlenger, H.F.O. Müller
European Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings was approved in the beginning of 2003. The transition period is 3-6 years depending of the article.
O. Seppänen, B. Olesen, A. Boerstra
The Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre is operated under Annex V of the Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems implementing agreement of the International Energy Agency.
M. Sherman
This paper concentrates on the results of sustainability caused by climatic elements in Iranian traditional architecture in Hot-Humid regions.
M. Shohouhian, F. Soflaee
The performance of a passive cooling system was evaluated as part of design works for the project of an auditorium.
J.J Correia da Silva
Traditionally, a home for the elderly aimed exclusively at the accommodation and care of people of the 3rd and 4th age. In a modern and continuously evolving society, how this can remain stagnant?
V. Simantira, K. Stefopoulou, D. Triantafillidi, K. Xanthopoulos, E. Trianti
This paper concentrates on the results of sustainability caused by natural cooling systems in Iranian traditional architecture of hot-arid regions.
F. Soflaee, M. Shokouhian
A common rule of thumb in solar applications is that maximum solar input on a flat collector comes when facing towards the equator at a slope equal to the locations latitude.
Th. N. Stasinopoulos
