
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Satellite images in the thermal infrared can be used for assessing the thermal urban environment as well as for defining heat islands in urban areas.
M. Stathopoulou, C. Cartalis, A. Andritsos
Techniques and technologies for use in designing, constructing and operating intelligent buildings are well known or available on the market and many intelligent buildings have been built.
G. Sutherland, G. Stavrakakis, D. Kolokotsa, S. Karatassou, M. Santamouris
This paper presents the results of a comparative study aiming to investigate the effect of reflective coatings on lowering surface temperatures of buildings and other surfaces of the urban environment, and thus test their suitability to lower ambi
A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris, I. Livada
Numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics can be usefully integrated with architectural modeling, providing designers with a powerful single CFD based architectural modeling and design framework.
M. Todorovic, O. Ecim, A. Marjanovic, I. Randjelovic
Human organism is probably the most perfect example of thermal behavior, adaptation to different climatic conditions, and a way of keeping it’s temperature constant, which is existent in nature.
B. Todorovic
The aim of this paper is to confront the designers practice knowledge on the behavior of natural ventilation due to wind action in housing buildings with complex internal partitions against experimental analogical airflow visualization.
A.M. Toledo, F.O.R. Pereira
The main design strategies when dealing with cooling are well known by now. The paper will not present options one by one, but will show how each one has been used as a starting point of design in recent projects.
A.N. Tombazis
Solar radiation is an important source of heat gain into the building and plays an important role as far as thermal comfort in a dwelling is concerned.
J.K. Tonui, Y. Tripanagnostopoulos
The spatial and material configuration of a building, its dimensions, orientation and fabric are crucial for the choice of the environmental retrofitting strategies to be used.
E. Triantis
The fresnel lens concept is suggested for solar control of the building in order to keep the illumination and the interior temperature at the comfort level.
Y. Tripanagnostopoulos, Ch. Siabekou, J.K. Tonui
of innovative daylighting systems and passive cooling techniques implemented in a typical commercial building.
J.R. Garcia Chavez, K. Tsikaloudaki
Shading provision should be considered as an integral part of fenestration system design for commercial and office buildings, in order to balance daylighting requirements versus the need to reduce solar gains.
A. Tzempelikos, A.K. Athienitis
This paper reports field investigation of the hygrothermal performance of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks (ACC) compared to other wall construction materials.
Y. Ungkoon, J. Hirunlabh, J. Khedari, U-C. Shin, P. Yodovard
A first Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) study on a solar neighborhood in Israel shows there are certain discrepancies between the planner’s intentions and the final outcome.
S. Vainer, I.A. Meir
A single family detached dwelling was partly renovated for structural reasons. This was an opportunity to rethink the concept of the living space with adjacent sunspace.
L. Vandaele, A. Deneyer, N. Heijmans, F. Dobbels
To gain access to the energy use in office buildings, the German Federal Ministry for Economy 1995 launched an intensive research and demonstration programme.
K. Voss, S. Herkel, J. Pfafferott, A. Wagner
Built environment is a manifestation of the technological innovation. The way technologies are applied in design and construction of buildings, have direct implications on the amount of energy consumed.
D. Vyas
Air-conditioning and cooling contribute significantly to the energy consumption of a lot of existing office buildings, especially when primary energy factors are taken into account.
A. Wagner, M. Kleber, K. Rohlffs
The net evaporation process is investigated by performing non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations.
Z.-J. Wang, M. Chen, Z.-Y. Guo
In principle, there is a strong consensus that energy performance regulations should be as simple as possible. In practice, several of the existing procedures are lengthy and far from easy to quickly understand.
P. Wouters, D. Van Orshoven, X. Loncour
