
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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From the experience gained in several EU research projects, an improved design for a common Test Reference Environment was made allowing the assessment of experimental data for electrical and thermal performance evaluation of photovoltaic systems
Bloem, J.J.
The PASLINK test facilities and analysis procedures aim to obtain the thermal and solar characteristics of building components under real dynamic outdoor conditions.
Baker, P.H.; Van Dijk, H.A.L.
This paper presents the application of IDENT Graphical User Interface of MATLAB to estimate the thermal properties of building components from outdoors dynamic testing, imposing appropriate physical constraints and assuming linear and time invaria
Jiménez, M.J.; Madsen, H.; Andersen, K.K.
Parameter identification techniques are a powerful tool for the determination of thermophysical properties of building components.
Gutschker, O.
Outdoor testing of building and building components under real weather conditions provide useful information about the dynamical performance.
Jiménez, M.J.; Madsen, H.
The IQ-Test Thematic Network has carried out round robin tests at 10 of the PASLINK outdoor test cell facilities.
Baker, P.H.
The construction and development of the PASSYS outdoor test cells were funded by the European Commission with the objective of providing high quality test environments for quantifying the performance of passive solar building components.
Strachan, P.A.; Vandaele, L.
As overheating problems in glassy buildings came up more and more, EMPA put a focus on the determination and modelling of the total solar energy transmittance (TSET) of multiple glazing combined with different shading systems within the framework
Simmler, H.; Binder, B.
Other papers in this conference discuss the experimental requirements for high quality outdoor testing of building components and the subsequent analysis procedures for identifying key parameters that quantify performance.
Strachan, P.A.
The existing buildings stock in European countries accounts for over 40% of final energy consumption in the European Union (EU) member states, of which residential use represents 63% of total energy consumption in the buildings sector.
Balaras, C.A.; Poel, B.; Van Cruchten, G.
Application of lighting control technologies has increased the public interest. Although these technologies have been promoted during the last years their successful use in buildings has been accomplished in a small percentage of new projects.
Doulos, L.; Tsangrassoulis, A.; Topalis, F.
The severe impact on health associated with biocontaminants, such as dust mites, has become increasingly apparent in recent years.
Baker, P.H.; Galbraith, G.H.; Hunter, C.; Sanders, C.H.; McLean, R.C.
Experience of energy auditing of residential buildings in Latvia discovers problems with discrepancy of data measured and calculated.
Blumberga, D.; Blumberga, A.; Vitolins, V.
The European Union’s (EU) Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) aims to increase the energy performance (EP) of buildings by requiring EU Member States to develop an EP calculation methodology and to certify the EP of their buildings.
Burke, K.; Kenny, P.; Finn, D.
As a result of increasing summer temperatures in the UK, it is likely that more dwellings in the future will have air conditioning installed to meet the occupants comfort requirements.
He, J.; Young, A.N.; Pathan, A.; Oreszczyn, T.
This project presents the development of an algorithm predicting ambient greenhouse air conditions to be used for energy efficiency simulation and control schemes optimization.
Dalamagkidis, K.; Saridakis, G.; Kolokotsa, D.
Meteorological measurements required for the development of a design scheme that responds to the local environment are generally recorded by the weather service in stations that are assumed to be representative of the surrounding region.
Erell, E.; Williamson, T.
The SOLVENT window is an innovative glazing system concept that involves the use of a rotating frame, an absorptive glazing and a naturally ventilated vertical channel, in order to improve the balance between the visual comfort and the energy effi
Leal, V.; Maldonado, E.
Objective of this paper is to present results from experimental measurements and computer simulations of thermal behaviour and energy efficiency of the solar double skinned ventilated faade of the Brno Metropolitan Library in Brno in the Czech Rep
Sedlák, J.; Mrácek, P.
Phenomena like thermal inertia are difficult concepts to understand for students, because they are difficult to model or to measure. The control theory, on another hand, is often learned in terms of an abstract theory.
Neirac, F.P.; Gatt, P.
