
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Industry-wide methods of assessing duct leakage are based on duct pressurization tests, and focus on highpressure ducts.
Wray C.P., Diamond R.C., Sherman M.H.
Ventilation in buildings is necessary first for hygienic reasons and also to preserve the building structure. This is more essential, today, because the buildings are more and more airtight, mainly due to energy regulations.
Barles P., Vialle P.J., Lemaire M.C.
The present paper presents the results of the energy and environmental evaluation of ten school buildings in the Greater Athens Area.
Gaitani N., Santamouris M., Mihalakakou G., Papaglatra M., Assimakopoulos M.N, Sfakianaki K., Pavlou K., Paris D., Dimitrios K.
This project aims to demonstrate via a refurbishing operation, how a mechanical ventilation system can both provide a good indoor air quality and limit the energy consumption due to air renewal.
Vialle P.J., Voeltzel A., Pico C.
Direct and indirect measuring techniques are available for determination of ventilation rate in naturally ventilated buildings.
Ozcan S.E., Vranken E., Berckmans D.
Cross ventilation is one of the most important techniques for achieving energy conservation and for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment in summer.
Nishizawa S., Sawachi T., Narita K., Seto H., Ishikawa Y., Gotou T.
In the recent past, residential buildings in temperate climates were ventilated by the daily opening of windows and by exaggerated window and door permeability.
Pinto M., Peixoto de Freitas V., Viegas J.C.
According to the R&D Project on Low Energy Housing with Validated Efficiency, the CO2 emissions due to operation of ventilation systems are estimated to be 7 to 12% of total CO2 emissions of a unit of multi-family buildings in mild climate reg
Tajima M., Sawachi T., Hori Y., Takahashi Y.
The impact of the urban environment on natural and hybrid ventilation was investigated through experimental and computational procedures in the framework of RESHYVENT European Project.
Niachou K, Santamouris M.
A hybrid ventilation system controlled by a pressure difference sensor was installed on a detached test house.
Yoshino H., Yun S., Nomura A.
Introduced for the first time at 25th AIVC Conference in Prague in September 2004, the HR-Ventproject still delivers new rich teachings since its start in January 2004.
Savin J.L., Berthin S., Jardinier M.
This paper presents the results of a field study conducted on 31 houses owned by a French social housing management body.
Guillot K., Limoges D., Carrié F.R.
Currently, various studies have demonstrated some doubt about the accuracy of the orifice equation when applied to the calculation of cross-ventilation.
Hiyama K., Kato S.
Application of ventilation techniques, as well as the use of any passive environmental solution in a rehabilitation, requires knowledge of the particularities of the climate and the specific characteristics of the building stock.
Ganem C., Coch H., Esteves A.
As a result of the EPB directive, the Flemish government has established a new regulation due as from January 1ste, 2006. This regulation also imposes the presence of minimal ventilation equipment in new buildings.
Wouters P., Van den Bossche P.
There are many research works for the moisture buffering effect of the building materials.
Yoshino H., Mitamura T., Hasegawa K., Matsumoto S., Adachi M.
This study considers the link between tertiary buildings design and equipments known as natural and hybrid ventilation or cooling.
Van Moeseke G., Bruyère I., De Herde A.
This paper presents simulation results of the performance of ventilation systems with self-regulating inlets in different types of typical Flemish dwellings.
Willems L., Janssens A.
It is very important to estimate the stack pressure difference across exterior walls for understanding the energy impacts of infiltration and ventilation in high-rise buildings, because stack pressure is likely to significantly affect energy load
Jae-Hun J., Sung-Han K., Jong-In L., Hoi-Soo S., Myoung-Souk Y., Kwang-Woo K.
Thermal comfort in living rooms or bedrooms is among others determined by the spatial distribution of the supplied ventilation air.
De Neve J., denys S., Pieters J.G., Pollet I., Denul J.
