
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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A new Energy Code for office buildings in Israel, currently under development, is presented.
Yezioro A., Capeluto I. G.
With computational analysis and simulation becoming an increasingly important part of the building design process, the complexities of dealing with the huge amount of data that this can produce can be overwhelming for many designers.
Marsh Andrew, CASS Jr. Andrew
A new model for predicting the thermal and electrical performance of solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) cogeneration devices for residential buildings has been developed.
Ian Beausoleil-Morrison, Adrian Schatz , Francois Marechal
The aim of this study is to develop a simple method to predict heat flows and minimum surface temperatures in dynamic heat load calculation programs.
Nagata Akihiro
This paper reviews the validity of the ubiquitous daylighting rule of thumb (DRT) that relates window-head-height to the depth of the daylit area adjacent to a facade.
Reinhart C. F.
This paper deals with solar indicators and simulation as a step toward global assessment of a district.
Allard Francis, Lorenz Francis
Daylight design for “extremely” obstructed urban environment is a relatively uncharted area of scholarship. The reason might be that the problem has not been critically important.
Ng Edward
In this paper we present an interactive software prototype for fluid flow problems in civil engineering including: 
Toelke Jonas, Krafczyk Manfred, Fahrig Torsten,
This paper addresses the application of fire and smoke simulation and computational fluid dynamics tools to events taking place in the new engineering building on the campus of the University of Montreal.
Daniel Barrero, Eddy Petro, Juan Abanto, Marcelo Reggio
This paper explores the degree to which subjective assessments of the acoustical properties of a real space can be reproduced by assessments that are based on computational auralization.
Mahdavi Ardeshir, Becker Gudrun, Lechleitner Josef
Accurate assessment of both surface and interstitial condensation risk at the design stage of buildings is of great importance - not just to minimise the damaging effects moisture can cause to building envelopes, but also to contribute to the prov
Mumovic D. , Ridley I. , Davies M.
Radiant cooling systems for thermal comfort in commercial buildings are new to North America. The University of Calgary’s ICT Building has a hybrid radiant slab-mixed air system that offers an opportunity to evaluate operating performance. Through
Love James A., Powell James
In early 1980s, Tsinghua University has started to develop a new building simulation tool with the aims to benefit for teaching, research and practical use of HVAC related applications in China.
Yan Da , Jiang Yi
The Haima is a non air-conditioned 16,000 m2  tent designed to house fifteen exhibitions about conditions for peace, viewed as solutions to economic, cultural and environmental conflict, during the Barcelona Forum 2004.
Houzeaux Guillaume
Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) have been proposed to treat the outdoor air before it enters the building and thus reduce the load on the zone equipment.
Timothy P. McDowell and Steven J. Emmerich
Building energy analysis are very sensitive to external convection heat transfer coefficients so that some researchers have made sensitivity calculations and proved that depending on the choice of convective heat transfer coefficient values, energ
Emmel Marcelo Guillaumon, Mendes Nathan
APOLUX 1.0 is a computer code specifically developed for assisting the architect regarding daylighting considerations; it runs in a threedimensional graphic environment, accepts files from graphic editors and uses models physically consistent for
Anderson Claro, Fernando Oscar Ruttkay Pereira and Rafael Zanelato Ledo
Improving thermal performance of building envelopes reduces energy consumption of residential buildings.
Hua Sheng He , Amin Hammad and Paul Fazio
Institutional facilities embody the physical infrastructure of the communities they house. Aging institutional buildings, especially those within extensive central campuses, cannot easily be disposed of or abandoned in favour of new facilities.
Kesik Ted
Behavioural models derived from on-going field studies can provide the basis for predicting personal action taken to adjust lighting levels or remedy direct glare in response to physical conditions. SHOCC, a sub-hourly occupancy-based control mode
Denis Bourgeois , Christoph Reinhart , Iain A. Macdonald
