
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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It is well recognised that validation of dynamic building simulation programs is a long-term complex task.
Strachan P A, Kokogiannakis G and Macdonald I A
The EnerGuide for Houses (EGH) database is a management information tool and central depository for tracking residential energy evaluations and measuring benefits from the energy evaluations delivered across Canada.
Sylvain Blais, Anil Parekh
This paper deals with the issue of using micro- Combined Heating and Power plants (mCHP) in high-performance houses in terms of energy conservation and cost savings.
Benoit Sicre , Andreas Bühring, Bernd Platzer
Highly glazed buildings are often considered to be airy, light and transparent with more access to daylight than traditional buildings, but their energy efficiency is often questioned.
Harris Poirazis, Ake Blomsterberg
To have a proper energy management in buildings, it is necessary to evaluate its HVAC system. To properly compare operating strategies and solve possible problems, one needs to reproduce the building and its HVAC system behavior under real life co
Marco Sangiorgi, Jesús Maellas and Gastón Sanglier
The paper deals with two construction details and discusses the opportunities and limits of their computer aided building simulation. Both details occur in the area of building renovation and modernization.
Günter Konieczny, Roman Rabenseifer
The building simulation tool Domus has been recently renamed as PowerDomus for whole-building hygrothermal and energy simulation.
Nathan Mendes, Ricardo C.L.F. Oliveira and Gerson Henrique dos Santos
Numerous problems can occur for an investigator of larger datasets, e.g.
Thomas Olofsson, Jan-Ulric Sjögren and Staffan Andersson
The present paper investigates, both experimentally and by simulation, the influence of faulty VAV units that do not affect the zone temperature on total energy consumption of a VAV system.
Masato Miyata, Harunori Yoshida, Masahiko Asada, Kenta Fujii and Shiro Hashiguchi
Horizontal diffuse illuminance and direct illuminance were estimated by measured sky luminance distribution to investigate the consistency among global, diffuse and direct illuminance for a long-term IDMP data in Kyoto, Japan.
Noriko Umemiya, Kiyoaki Iinuma, Toshiaki Nishioka and Ryoji Okura
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has evolved from an academic tool to an important commercial design tool over the past decades.
Lars Køllgaard Voigt
During a design stage building designers have to do many decisions that will influence an energy consumption in a designed building. Investments to a building structure and HVAC system are a basis for a low consumption of an energy.
Dalibor Vytlail and Ondej Povýšil
The thermal modelling of windows is often carried out at a high level of precision whilst irradiance anddaylight quantities are predicted using coarse approximations.
R. Ajmat Arch., J. Mardaljevic and V.I. Hanby
Geothermal district heating systems (GDHSs) are modeled by examining the relations between thermodynamic losses and capital costs for the devices comprising the GDHSs, and some possible generalizations are proposed relating thermodynamic losses an
Leyla Ozgener, Arif Hepbasli, Ibrahim Dincer and Marc A. Rosen
This paper presents an air cooled slab system (ACS) specially designed for use in multi-storey steel framed buildings.
Agnieszka Isanska-Cwiek
This work presents a simple design tool for the consideration of solar rights in urban design that was developed by the use of the computer model SustArc (Capeluto and Shaviv, 1997).
I. Guedi Capeluto, Abraham Yezioro, Tamar Bleiberg and Edna Shaviv
The paper describes a process that efficiently supports the early building design stage with prototype tools to capture topological floor plan sketches, calculate geometries, explore design alternatives, and generate data for performance simulatio
Gerhard Zimmermann
This paper deals specifically with analysis of the thermal, airflow and daylighting performance of the façade elements and in particular with the Double Skin Façade (DSF) applied to the south and southeast facing office spine of a laboratory build
Mojtaba Navvab
In this paper we emphasize a technique based on graph theory that allows for deriving both a dimensionally reduced object model required for setting up a thermal multizone model and a geometrical model for defining a single or multiple CFD domains
Christoph van Treeck and Ernst Rank
Hygrothermal modeling of building envelope has received much attention and development in recent years; to increase its flexibility and accessibility is a consequential task.
Qinru Li, Jiwu Rao and Paul Fazio
