
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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The introduction of EU directives 2002/91/EC and 2003/87/EC both prompt a reduction in energy consumption from European buildings. Buildings account for 50% of European energy use.
 James O'Donnell, Elmer Morrissey, Marcus Keane, Brian O' Gallachoir, Vladimir Bazjanac,
The models for photovoltaic (PV) systems currently in ESP-r prove very useful in estimating the electrical and thermal impact of building-integrated photovoltaics.
Didier Thevenard
A simplified optimization process (SOP) for determining set points is proposed and evaluated using the monitoring data and model of an existing VAV system.
Nabil Nassif, Stanislaw Kajl, and Robert Sabourin
CEN TC247 has prepared draft standards for main types of room controllers. These standards include a performance testing procedure that was designed to facilitate the introduction on the market of electronic controllers.
P. Riederer, F. Bruyat, B. Clémençon, S. Bernasconi, G. Desjardins
Tall buildings pose unique challenges for simulation software and modelers. Environmental factors such as air temperature and wind speed change with altitude.
Peter G. Ellis and Paul A. Torcellini
In this paper, four different system configurations: 
Chaoqin Zhai, Xiaohong Liao, Reinhard Radermacher, Khee Poh Lam, Volker Hartkopf
An optimal controller for auxiliary heating of passive solar buildings and commercial buildings with high internal gains is tested in simulation.
Michaël Kummert and Philippe André
Earth-to-Air Heat Exchanger (ETAHE) technology has been implemented in many mechanical ventilation systems. A literature review revealed that recent advancements in ETAHE modeling were focused on simulating heat conduction in soil.
Jian Zhang and Fariborz Haghighat
In this paper, the mathematical model of a HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) equipment is described.
Paulo Rogerio Novak, Nathan Mendes, and Gustavo H. C. Oliveira
In recent years, indoor humidity levels are gaining greater attention in building design and operation, due to the increasing concern over moisture-related problems, such as mold growth, indoor air quality and discomfort of the occupants.
Khee Poh Lam, Stephen R. Lee, Gregory M. Dobbs and Chaoqin Zhai
The paper deals with the computational simulations of the performance of the hybrid ventilation system for the moderate climate, which was developed within the framework of the RESHYVENT project. The main goal of the simulations was to investigate
Pavel Charvat, Miroslav Jicha, Aikaterini Niachou and Mat Santamouris
Heating Canadian homes is an energy intensive endeavour. Factors such as the northerly climate and dispersed population cannot be avoided but inefficiencies with heating system design can.
J. Good, V.I. Ugursal , and A. Fung
This paper proposes an automated commissioning method for air-conditioning systems through comparing the measured energy consumption with the simulated energy consumption, which is simulated using a model newly developed through fitting manufactur
Fulin Wang1, Harunori Yoishida, Satoshi Masuhara, Hiroaki Kitagawa, Kyoko Goto
This paper critically examines the use of Analytic Target Cascading as a multi-level, hierarchical design optimization model for formulating simulation-based design tasks in architecture.
Ruchi Choudhary, P.Y. Papalambros, Ali M. Malkawi
Energy and environment issues such as the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and ecological-friendly buildings are increasingly of interest in the Korean housing market.
J. Clarke, J. Hong, J. Kim, P. Strachan, I. Hwang, H. Lee
Building design and control applications can benefit from daylight simulation. Currently, most daylight simulation applications work with simplified sky luminance models.
Bojana Spasojević and Ardeshir Mahdavi
An Excel macro-programming model of the thermal behaviour of open and enclosed swimming pools is run in seven different scenarios of increasing complexity.
José L. Duomarco, Miguel Pérez Magnou
Significant R&D work has been on going in the development of integrated software environments that support building energy simulation.
Barry O’Sullivan, Marcus Keane
This paper analyses the office demand connected to the use of different dynamic window and lighting control systems with the aim to optimize their usage aspects and characteristics from both visual and energy efficiency viewpoints.
Franco Gugliermetti, Fabio Bisegna
This paper discusses an experience of teaching building simulation to students in a small class of a Masters program in an architecture school. This was a course in assessing building performance using an hourly thermal simulation program.
Veronica I Soebarto
