
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) are modelled, analyzed based on exergy, cost, energy and mass, and evaluated exergoeconomically.
Onder Ozgener, Arif Hepbasli, Ibrahim Dincer, Marc A. Rosen
Controlling humidity to prevent moisture and condensation phenomena is a growing problem for building designers nowadays. Ventilation and air conditioning are common solutions to avoid mold and condensation.
Franck Lucas, Frederic Miranville, Alain Bastide
A mathematical model applied to building hygrothermal behavior analysis is described in this paper. We have used a lumped approach to model the room air temperature and humidity and a multilayer model in finite volumes for the building envelope.
Gerson Henrique dos Santos and Nathan Mendes
This paper is part of a larger research to ‘theoretically’ review the application of natural ventilation to commercial buildings, the potential advantages these systems offer, and some pitfalls that must be considered.
Mohit Mehta
Throughout its thirty year history, the transient energy simulation package TRNSYS has been under continual enhancement by an international group of developers and users.
David Bradley and Michaël Kummert
This paper deals with the development and the evaluation of hybrid ventilation control strategies, using both natural and mechanical modes, in residential buildings using a graphical simulation tool. The description of a library of airflow compone
David Jreijiry , Ahmad Husaunndee, Christian Inard
Increasingly the fire protection concerns at airports are being addressed using computational fluid dynamics and most of these studies have been based on the prescriptive recommendations on design of an airport terminal building given by appropria
Z. Stevanovic, T. Valentina, N. Kadic, Z. Markovic, M. Kadic, D. Mumovic
Whereas water can frequently come in contact with wood-based building envelope components, little work has tried to measure and model moisture uptake in orthotropic wood.
Luis Candanedo and Dominique Derome
This study is focused on the ground heat pump (GHP) used in heating single-family houses. These systems generate a ground heat depletion which decreases its performances after several years of operation.
Valentin Trillat-Berdal, Bernard Souyri, Gilbert Achard
This paper investigates airflow in an office room with a displacement ventilation system parametrically using three-dimensional CFD.
Yukihiro Hashimoto
Multizone network models employ several assumptions, such as uniform pressure and quiescent air inside the zone, which may cause inaccurate results in flow calculations.
Liangzhu (Leon) Wang, Qingyan (Yan) Chen
Active diffusing light pipes (such as hollow tubular lighting) are means of directing and diffusion light (daylight or electrical light) into interior spaces. The two principal objectives of this paper are : 1) to show the development of an advanc
Oana Dobrre, Gilbert Achard
This paper describes how the energy performance of single storey multiple-skin facades can be optimized by changing the settings of the facades and HVAC system. The energy performance is analyzed with a yearly whole building energy analysis under
Dirk Saelens, Bert Blocken, Staf Roels, Hugo Hens
A desiccant cooling unit powered by 14.8 m2 of solar liquid collectors is implemented in a training room in Chambery in Eastern France.
Etienne Wurtz, Chadi Maalouf, Laurent Mora, Francis Allard
Different heating system controllers for passive solar buildings are compared on two different buildings. The performance criterion combines energy performance and thermal comfort using the "cost function" paradigm.
Michaël Kummert, Philippe André, Athanassios A. Argiriou
Dynamic, three-dimensional models of existing facilities that are updated automatically based on data provided by advanced sensing technologies appear increasingly feasible.
Georg Suter, Oguz Icoglu, Ardeshir Mahdavi and Bojana Spasojevic
Moisture is one of the main problems in buildings. In spite of the complexity to describe moisture physical phenomena, recent technological improvements have allowed them to be incorporated into building simulation programs.
Kátia Cordeiro Mendonça, Etienne Wurtz and Christian Inard
The hygrothermal environment of the Japanese traditional house constructed by wet process with clay wall and the recent house constructed with industrial building materials are estimated through the interrelated simulation of heat and moisture tra
Akihito Ozaki and Tatsunori Tsujimaru
This paper proposes a method for creating an extreme seven-day weather data set for HVAC design purposes and examines its suitability.
Hisaya Ishino
This paper complements a previous publication in the Building Simulation Conference series by identifying where perceptualization techniques can improve data presentation and assist with the interpretation of the underlying performance message.
Prazeres L and Clarke J A
