
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper describes a new data set appropriate for empirical validation of whole-building energy simulation software.
J. Neymark, P. Girault, G. Guyon, R. Judkoff, R. LeBerre, J. Ojalvo, P. Reimer
The Australian Building Greenhouse Rating (ABGR) scheme is a performance-based rating for office buildings.
Paul Bannister
Calculating the dynamic effects of surface overshadowing is a major part of most thermal analysis engines.
Andrew Marsh
This article aims at a better understanding of how decisions are taken to improve energy performance of office buildings in warm climates and why energy tools are not popular among the architects.
Aldomar Pedrini, Steven Szokolay
This paper presents the testing of a dynamic on-line whole-building energy calculator.
Julia Purdy, Phylroy Lopez, Kamel Haddad, Alex Ferguson, Stephanie Mombourquette, Paul Wyndham-Wheeler, Shawn Henry
The following paper is focused on the effects of the combined water vapour transport caused by diffusion and convection.
Zbynek Svoboda
This paper explores means for more effectively exploiting daylight in buildings through extending periods of illumination free of glare problems. The key concept is to quantify and examine the impact of selected design parameters, e.g.
Mohamed Kassab, James A. Love
This paper investigates the robustness of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) search method in solving an unconstrained building optimization problem, when the number of building simulations used by the optimization is restricted.
Jonathan Wright, and Ali Alajmi
This paper discusses the modification and testing of an existing dynamic thermal model to include the calculation of the effects of glazing and shading options such as slatted blinds.
D.K. Alexander, A. Mylona, and P.J. Jones
This research investigated the influence of three layouts of operating rooms on the indoor environment control, on thermal comfort and on energy consumption. It was used the EnergyPlus software. The parameters of the environment were described in
M A Melhado, P O Beyer, J M Hensen, L F G Siqueira
This paper covers the innovative use of advanced numerical simulation in the field of structural engineering.
Caroline J Field, Andrew Mole and Mark Arkinstall
This paper presents an overview of the use of building simulation in a private consultancy in New Zealand. The current state of the industry is outlined before the specific practice is introduced.
Patrick Arnold, Quentin Jackson, Barbara Joubert
This paper describes the use of simulations to support the renovation process of a monastery, that is listed as an historic building and is being re-used as an office building.
Laure Itard, Hans Boender, Wiebe Zoon
Sustainable housing standards are reviewed including the UK 2005 building regulations, the UK Advanced Standard and EU Passive-house Standard. Conflicts between the standards are highlighted.
Paul Tuohy, Lori McElroy, Cameron Johnstone
We present a framework for the specification of building performance simulation output results. Toward this end, we describe a simulation output space, whose primary dimensions include scalar and vector attributes, spatial destination, temporal de
Ardeshir Mahdavi, Julia Bachinger, Georg Suter
Building simulation tools (energy, lighting, plant simulation, CFD, etc) have long been the preserve of a few specialist consultancies rather than being used where they can have the greatest impact - by construction design practices.
Iain A Macdonald, Lori B McElroy, Jon W Hand, Joe A Clarke
This paper presents two DOE-2 functions to expand the modeling capability of DOE-2.1E, a popular calculation engine for building energy simulations. The first function models sensible and total heat recovery between outside air and exhaust air, wi
Tianzhen Hong, Charles Eley, and Erik Kolderup
The aim of the presented work is to compare two solution methods of specific and latent heat transfer in building components e.g.
Dariusz Heim
This paper presents the application of multi-objective genetic algorithms for green building design to minimize two conflicting criteria: the life-cycle cost and the life-cycle environmental impact. Environmental impact categories considered in th
Weimin Wang, Radu Zmeureanu, Hugues Rivard
This paper describes how a multi-zone air flow simulation program has been used for the evaluation of the performance of a hybrid ventilation system in a Swedish school.
Åke Blomsterberg, Tomas Johansson
