
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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Traditional night cooling control strategies relies on the knowledge of the current situation – indoor and outdoor.
Kim B. Wittchen, Ejvind Løgberg, Søren Pedersen, Rolf Djurtoft, Jesper Thiesen
An 'active façade' responds to (and anticipates on) changing indoor and outdoor conditions.
F.G.H. Koene, E.J. Bakker
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are major indoor air pollutants.
Chang-Seo Lee, Fariborz Haghighat, Wahid Ghaly
When designing district heating serving different buildings, an architectural engineer should suggest optimal operation policy of heating, based on social aspects and on minimizing costs for used energy and for investment in building heaters.
Milorad Bojić, Milan Despotivić
This study aims to verify the advantages of district heating and cooling (DHC) systems in terms of energy efficiency.
Yoshiyuki Shimoda, Tomoji Nagota, Naoaki Isayama, Minoru Mizuno
In building studies dealing about energy efficiency and comfort, simulation software need relevant weather files with optimal time steps.
Mathieu David, Laetitia Adelard, Franvois Garde, Harry Boyer
An indoor thermal  simulation  was conducted  in a traditional house in a mountain area of Nepal for the purpose of thermal improvement in winter and saving firewood. The results are as follows:
Hom Bahadur Rijal, Harunori Yoshida
VIP Indoor Air Pollutants, Part 1 defined major types of indoor air pollutants, their measurement, and concentrations guidelines.
Levin H.
RESHYVENT Cluster Project on Demand Controlled Hybrid Ventilation in Residential Buildings with Specific Emphasis on the Integration of Renewables    RESHYVENT-WP4-D4.4
P. Wouters, N. Heijmans, X. Loncour
RESHYVENT Cluster Project on Demand Controlled Hybrid Ventilation in Residential Buildings with Specific Emphasis on the Integration of Renewables    RESHYVENT Working report No: RESHYVENT-WP5-WR-4
Andreas Weber, Viktor Dorer; EMPA, Switzerland Eduardo Maldonado, José Luís Alexandre, Petra Vaquero, Jorge Sousa, Åke Blomsterberg, Nicolas Heijmans, Willem de Gids
RESHYVENT Cluster Project on Demand Controlled Hybrid Ventilation in Residential Buildings with Specific Emphasis on the Integration of Renewables  RESHYVENT Working report No: RESH-WP6-D6.2.5.IC5   
Eduardo Maldonado, José Luís Alexandre, Petra Vaquero, Jorge Sousa
Christina Koppe, Sari Kovats, Gerd Jendritzky and Bettina Menne
The Book of Proceedings from the 25th AIVC Conference "Ventilation and retrofitting", Prague, Czech Republic, 15-17 September 2004.
The principle of displacement ventilation involves air supply and distribution in a room by upwards displacement, i.e. as direct as possible through-flow in the occupied zone in order to achieve high ventilation efficiency.
Schild P.G.
EC-RESHYVENT project WP 7: Ventilation and control strategy support unit
Ahmad Husaunndee, David Jreijiry, Jean- Robert Millet, Jean Georges Villenave
Major sanitory problems occuring at industrial workplaces are induced by air contaminants. They represent a high financial cost.
Rueegg T., Gubler D., Sprecher P., Moser A., Weber R.
Diagnosing occupant complaints is not an easy task. The following article is a guide for engineers and owners confronted with hot/cold problems.
Friedman G.
One challenge in indoor air quality studies is the measurement of three-dimensional air velocity profiles in an airspace so that the nature of airflow can be better understood and appropriate ventilation systems can be designed.
Sun Y., Zhang Y. Zhao L., Wang X.
Particle diffusion with gravitational sedimentation in displacement and mixing ventilated rooms is investigated numerically.
Zhao B., Zhnag Z., Li X. Huang D.
