
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper summarizes efforts to identify economically viable strategies to reduce HVAC-related energy use while improving the indoor air quality for a public zoo facility that houses primates and large cats.
Freund S., Klein S.A., Reindl D.T.
A wind tunnel dispersion modeling study was conducted to investigate exhaust contamination of hidden versus visible air intakes.
Petersen R.L., Carter J.J., LeCompte J.W.
Field tests of stairwell and vestibule pressurization systems were performed in a 32-story high-rise building. Pressure differences in the stairwell, and vestibule and average air velocity were tested under various conditions.
Wang Y., Gao F.
This paper examines thermal mixing of outdoor and return airstreams in typical air-handling units equipped with parallel blade dampers.
Mainkar M., Finaish F., Sauer H.J., Becelaere R.V.
This paper presents an integrated IAQ/HVAC simulation environment that can model the impact of contaminant-based demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) strategies on both indoor air quality and HVAC system energy use for multizone buildings.
Krarti M., Al-Alwi M.
This paper shows how air-to-air heat and energy system design problems can be formulated for a simple HVAC configuration and solved for the least life-cycle cost system while still retaining a small payback period.
Asiedu Y., Besant R.W., Carey J.S.
The life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology is used in this paper to assess the environmental effects of air-handling units (AHU) over a 20-year life cycle.
Nyman M., Simonson C.J.
This paper demonstrates the technical considerations that are important to understanding the energy-saving potential of encouraging the use of brushless direct current (BDC) motors in residential air handlers.
Kendall M.A.
This paper describes the smoke control aspects of twonaturally ventilated high-rise office buildings with operable windows. One utilizes its operable windows in conjunction with an HVAC system to provide tenants with fresh air.
Maddox J.A.
The aim of that study was to find out if a potential air flow from crawl space has an influence on the indoor air quality : is there a potential risk for the first floor apartments ? A balanced ventilation system is recommended.
Airaksinen M, Pasanen P., Kurnitski J., Seppänen O.
That study carried out particle transport measurements for full-scale timber frame structure similar to a wooden floor. The penetration is highly dependent on pressure difference and not on holes in the surface boards of the structure.
Airaksinen M, Kurnitski J., Pasanen P., Seppänen O.
The article compares the definitions and requirements in various standards (ASHRAE 62, DIN 1946, CEN CR 1752, CIBSE guide A, ISO TC 205) related to ventilation and indoor air quality in terms of health, comfort and productivity.
The study was carried out on 30 female subjects exposed in a low-polluting office in either presence or absence of personal computers that had been in service for 3 months.
Z. Bako-Biro, P. Wargocki, C.J. Weschler, P.O. Fanger
As the office environment is always changing new ways of looking at diffuser selection is mandatory.Changes in the office air delivery system may be due to new building codes/regulations, or to changing interior loads.New technologies allow innova
D. int-Hout
This article sums up a detailed analysis of variable air volume (VAV) box control. Sizing criteria are provided in order to minimize the life-cycle cost in typical application.
S.T.Taylor, J. Stein
This article focuses on the replacement air component for atrium smoke exhaust, including comparisons of three design approaches. The concepts are illustrated by case studies.
S.W. Duda
This article presents the difficulty for ASHRAE to take into account the high levels of ventilation requiries and to combine them with the demand for "guidance" encouraged by the tobacco industry and its allies.
S.A.Glantz, S. Schick
This paper gives a description of the cleaning of metal ducts in small buildings, located in heating climates in the northern US states, with different cleaning techniques, their cost, and advices from different trade associations.
D.W. Fugler
This article aims at providing an overview of recent field experience, as reported in the literature, about underfloor air distribution systems (UFAD) as an alternative to conventional air distribution.
J.E. Woods
This paper deals with a modeling approach that combines the classical heat and moisture balance differential equations along with the use of experimental time-series data.
K. Janssens, A. Van Brecht, T. Zerihun Desta, C. Boonen, D. Berckmans
