
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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This paper deals with a pilot study in portable classrooms where neither adequate ventilation nor associated conditioning of indoor air for occupant comfort were provided.
D.G. Shendell, A.M. Winer, R. Weker, S.D. Colome
Re-number k-e model is the most used turbulence model in Computational fluid dynamics. But sometimes that model does not produce good results and Reynolds stress model (RSM) improves the prediction of the velocity in the jet.
A. Schälin, P.V. Nielsen
A pilot questionnaire study was carried out on two groups: 128 occupants of new homes' (52 R-2000) on the one hand and 149 occupants of control homes on the other hand: both the groups were questionned to compare their general and respiratory
J.A. Leech, M. Raizenne, J. Gusdorf
The purpose of that study was to measure exposure levels of phthalates and musk fragrances in typical apartments, kindergartens and to estimate their effects on health. 59 apartments and 74 kindergarten in Berlin were studied.
H. Fromme, T. Lahrz, M. Piloty, H. Gebhart, A. Oddoy, H. Rüden
The aim of that study was to compare measurements of wall relative humidity (RH) to mold identification in 458 samples from 100 dwellings.
S. Boutin-Forzano, C. Charpin-Kadouch, S. Chabbi, N. Bennedjai, H. Dumon, D. Charpin
This paper provides scientific evidence that electrified homes in South African rural villages have lower levels of air pollution compared to the non-electrified homes using fuel or wood.
H.B. Röllin, A. Mathee, N. Bruce, J. Levin, Y.E.R. von Schirnding
The aim of this paper was to examine the effect of two different dust collection devices, widely used in epidemiological studies.
K.Wickens, J. Lane, R. Siebers, T. Ingham, J. Crane
An energy balance over an urban area and over a rural one, reveals that the first case is always more complex than the last one. The urban context is able to change all the energy transferences mainly due to its own layout.
F. Sanchez de la Flor, S. Alvarez Dominguez
The potential of controlling techniques for an electrochromic device is investigated in a systematic way, using both experimental and theoretical tools.
N.M. Assimalopoulos, A. Tsangrassoulis, G. Guarracino , M. Santamouris
IQ-Test is a Thematic Network supported by the European Community under the EESD Programme.The objective of IQ-TEST is to further develop common quality procedures for the PASSYS/PASLINK test cell facilities that exist in 12 European countries.
P. Baker
Preliminary experiments with a novel glazing system developed at the Desert Architecture and Urban Planning Unit of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev indicated that it may provide improved visual and thermal performance in buildings with large gl
E. Erell, Y. Etzion, N. Carlstrom, M. Sandberg, J. Molina, I. Maestre, E. Maldonado, V. Leal, O. Gutschker
Three software tools CODYBA (version 6.3), XCUBE and CODYMUR are presented in this paper : - CODYBA for the study of the thermal behaviour of a multizone building with an example of simulation of a building in Seville - XCube for the study of 3D
J. Virgone, JJ. Roux, Y. Gao, J. Noël
The use of different HVAC system types for office buildings has been analysed within the European funded project EECCAC.
L. Perez-Lombard, J. Adnot, J.A. Ortiz, P. Riviere
The cleaning of HVAC systems aims at removing contaminants and re-establishing the function of the system of ventilation.A measurement method for ventilation cleanliness is discussed in this paper.
S. Broms, S. Cramer
The deposit of particles lower than 5µm diameter, depends on the airflow path within the room along with the strength of the ventilation.This parameter has to be taken into account to predict particle indoor air quality.
J. Bouille, K. Limam, C. Béghein, F. Allard
Fresh air has a very important role in indoor air quality.This study aims at quantifying the costs and the gains of an increase of the ventilation rate, in an office building.
M. Cavique, P.M. Costa
In this paper "the ventilability chart" concept is presented and the methodology for drawing it for whatever space is illustrated: its aim is to check the effectiveness of natural ventilation in ensuring comfort levels related to the indoor air qu
G. Cannistraro, G. Giaconia, A. Piccolo, D. Plutino, L. Ponterio
This paper deals with the results of a research carried out at Conservation institutions and based on a bibliographic study.
R.U. Aramburu, C.U. Camara
In this paper, different types of local housings have been classified (housing with two facades, housing with two facades in angle or in corner, housing with facade and interior patios, housing with an only facade, embedded housings, in several he
Feijó Muñoz J., García Barrero R.
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the work carried out during three years with URBVENT project and to present its main issues: - to provide methodologies and accompanying software tools to assess the potential and feasibility of na
F. Allard, C. Ghiaus
