
AIRBASE is the Bibliographic Database of the AIVC. It contains publications and abstracts of articles related to energy efficient ventilation. Where possible, sufficient detail is supplied in the bibliographic details for users to trace and order the material via their own libraries. Topics include: ventilation strategies, design and retrofit methods, calculation techniques, standards and regulations, measurement methods, indoor air quality and energy implications etc. Entries are based on articles and reports published in journals, internal publications and research reports, produced both by university departments and by building research institutions throughout the world. AIRBASE has grown and evolved over many years (1979 to present day, over 22000 references and 16000 documents available online). For most of the references, the full document is also available online.

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In recent years, the 'usability' of ventilation and air infiltration models (both public domain and commercially available) has increased greatly. Possible areas of application for 15 such models are identified in this report.
Orme M.
This field study was organized to determine the ventilation required to maintain acceptable air quality in a retail store using the ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 performance-based procedure.
D.T. Grimsrud, B.B. Bridges, N.G. Carlson, D.E. Hadlich
In January 1999 ASHRAE's Standard Project Committee on "Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Low-Rise Residential Buildings", SPC 62.2P, approved ASHRAE's first complete standard on residential ventilation for public review and it was
Sherman, M.
We describe a novel modeling technique, based on Duhamel's theorem, to study the effects of time-varying winds on radon transport in soil near buildings.
Riley, W.J., Robinson, A.L., Gadgil, A., Nazaroff, W.
Previous studies (including earlier phases of this research project) have shown that losses from residential thermal distribution systems have significant energy and comfort implications.
Walker, I.S., Sherman, M.H., Siegel, J.A.
We first developed an actual HVAC experimental chamber including an air distribution system, an air handling unit, fan coil units, and control systems.
Masayuki Oguro, Koji Ono, Kazuyoshi Harimoto, Yoshiko Teranishi, Yasushige Morikawa, Shigeru Ono
This paper presents an investigation of the energy performance in an office building in Daejeon, Korea. The office building has a south-facing glazed double envelope and a rectangular atrium.
Gook-Sup Song, Hyun-Woo Lee, Won-Ryong Choi
Despite the obvious importance of thermal comfort in the design of indoor environment, it has not been effectively integrated with design decision support tools.
Satish Kumar, Ardeshir Madhavi
A dynamic simulation of the HVAC system is being paid attention because of the development of the computer technology. Authors examined the reproducibility of HVACSIM+(J).
Yoshihiko Nishitani, Mingjie Zheng, Hideharu Niwa, Nobuo Nakahara
This paper describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a computational tool for the comprehensive support of the lighting design process.
Vineeta Pal and Ardeshir Mahdavi
This paper describes a control scheme with fault detection capabilities suitable for application to HVAC systems.
T. I. Salsbury
Junichi Shiozaki, Fusachika Miyachika
This paper presents a tool, based on a method using IDA for simulation of duct systems and MATLAB as a pre- and post-processor, to study the controllability of VAV-systems.
Jörgen B. Eriksson
A study of the way in which humans visually perceive the motion of high-rise buildings was carried out. In our experiment, an edited movie was projected so that the subjects could observe the motion of the view from a window.
Satoshi Shindo and Takeshi Goto
A general method to determine the shading of direct and diffuse radiation is presented. This can handle an almost infinite number building surfaces and screens of any shape.
Kurt Källblad
This paper describes a computer simulation model for assessing the potential energy savings in office buildings through the use of daylight and occupancy sensors.
Larry O. Degelman
This paper presents the new EnergyPlus HVAC simulation environment, which differs from existing energy analysis programs in three key respects.
Daniel E Fisher, Russell D. Taylor, Fred Buhl, Richard J Liesen and Richard K Strand
Traditional algorithms for the simulation of sound propagation in spatial enclosures include the image source method and the ray-tracing method. These algorithms are computation intensive and take a long time to generate results.
Ganapathy Mahalingam
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with a Dynamic Subgrid-scale Model (DSM) is a powerful tool to predict indoor airflow. However, the model needs to average the model coefficient over a homogeneous direction.
Wei Zhang and Qingyan Chen
